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Dayz Melee last resort

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Just wondering why it seems to not have been implimented that we could perhaps find a baseball bat or 2x4 or even just the but of the gun your holding to melee zombies when you run out of ammo. melle has been done before in Arma and didn't work too badly.

Anyone else up for that sort of thing?

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Im signing this, just no OP melee, so you never need a gun, guns is essential and should stay thtat way if melee is introduced.


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Now before people say again that it can't be done...

It can be done. It has been done. Even in multi player.

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Only thing I'd support is maybe a kick upwards when on the ground and in a bad state that could stun a close zombie, apart from that I wouldn't really support much more unless it could be argued to be a valuable/necessary thing.

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Think melee should be an option, but just as a last resort as mentioned, sometimes you end up luring 1 single zombie in a town, you got no other choice to either shoot it or run a mile out of town.

If you shoot you will end up with another dozen zombies, and apperantly endless waves of zombies in certain situations as i've experienced.

Think there should be some options to dispose of a zombie without alerting the whole area when you have all the time and space to do so.

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Good idea, I watched the latest infantry combat in Arma 3, there's a last stand animation included in the game, so maybe you can shove people or zombies away with your feet while in last stand only?

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Ok lets set something straight whoever posted the youtube video. That is not damaging melee. It is an animation probably used in the campaign for some seargent punching a marine or something lol. We could have a zed attack which is a basically a gun they shoot with unlimited ammo and a 2 foot range. Melee is not implemented in the ARMA 2 engine and unless you can assign a damage value to an animation like that well sorry.

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