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Radiix (DayZ)

DE 1337 [Private Hive] [Passworded to keep Hackers away]

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Hello fellas,

i want to announce our Private Hive Server just went online.

Our Server was meant to be Public, but after 2 Days of testing we had big issues with Hackers. So we decided to password protect it. After we did that not even one hacker joined our Server and we had a plenty time of fun.

This Server is located in Germany, it runs on a dedicated machine that is maintained by me every day.

The Database is getting backed up every 12 Hours, to protect your goods. Currently the Server is set to Daytime only, to let the guys farm their NVG's. In the next weeks, we will enable the day- and nighttime cycle. So everyone has a chance to get NVG's.

The Server restarts every 4-6 Hours, that is announced 15 Minutes before it actually restarts, so you have enough time to save your tents and vehicles.

Did i mention? The tents and vehicles saves are working, so you dont have to worry about losing some gear or your stored stuff.

To provide you an even better experience, we set up our own Teamspeak³ Server. So you can talk & chat with ur buddies, while raiding cities and camps ;).

To actually get the password, you just have to join our Teamspeak server, talk a bit with us. When we think your ok, we will message you the password. The password will be changed every 2 weeks, to provide additional protection again random hackers, that recieved the password by their "friends".

So, if you want a flawless, non-laggy and very fast loading Server, you're welcome to join our teamspeak server.

The Server is monitored 24/7 by a logparser. So far about 50 Scriptkiddies got detected and instantly banned.

The the basic feautures:

  • Extremly fast loading times
  • No Desync (red chain)
  • Very friendly players
  • Vehicle & Tents are saving themselve after 1 hour.
  • Actually saving Vehicles and tens ;D
  • Backups every 12 hours.
  • Stable playerbase
  • Sidechat enabled

See you in Chernarus. ;)

PS: You don't need to talk with us in Teamspeak. Just join in and poke one of the admins to get the password!

Edited by Radiix
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Sounds good, I've been playing for a month now I think its time I found a home. A Private server sounds prefect for the kinda situation we're stuck too play in right now ^_^

In Work atm, I'll pop on TS when I get home and Introduce myself.


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Sounds good, I've been playing for a month now I think its time I found a home. A Private server sounds prefect for the kinda situation we're stuck too play in right now ^_^

In Work atm, I'll pop on TS when I get home and Introduce myself.


Your welcome ;)

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Seems pretty awesome.My question is:Are there any restrictions?Like age wise and such?

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Hello fellas,

i want to announce our Private Hive Server just went online.

Our Server was meant to be Public, but after 2 Days of testing we had big issues with Hackers. So we decided to password protect it. After we did that not even one hacker joined our Server and we had a plenty time of fun.

This Server is located in Germany, it runs on a dedicated machine that is maintained by me every day.

The Database is getting backed up every 12 Hours, to protect your goods. Currently the Server is set to Daytime only, to let the guys farm their NVG's. In the next weeks, we will enable the day- and nighttime cycle. So everyone has a chance to get NVG's.

The Server restarts every 4-6 Hours, that is announced 15 Minutes before it actually restarts, so you have enough time to save your tents and vehicles.

Did i mention? The tents and vehicles saves are working, so you dont have to worry about losing some gear or your stored stuff.

To provide you an even better experience, we set up our own Teamspeak³ Server. So you can talk & chat with ur buddies, while raiding cities and camps ;).

To actually get the password, you just have to join our Teamspeak server, talk a bit with us. When we think your ok, we will message you the password. The password will be changed every 2 weeks, to provide additional protection again random hackers, that recieved the password by their "friends".

So, if you want a flawless, non-laggy and very fast loading Server, you're welcome to join our teamspeak server.

The Server is monitored 24/7 by a logparser. So far about 50 Scriptkiddies got detected and instantly banned.

The the basic feautures:

  • Extremly fast loading times
  • No Desync (red chain)
  • Very friendly players
  • Vehicle & Tents are saving themselve after 1 hour.
  • Actually saving Vehicles and tens ;D
  • Backups every 12 hours.
  • Stable playerbase
  • Sidechat enabled

See you in Chernarus. ;)

Hi, excuse me for being stupid but I don't know how to access your server with your ip address. I use DayZ commander and have six launcher and updater I have a teamviewer 6 but not sure what that is. I have played for two weeks and have been killed by hackers about a dozen times. I lost night vision goggles, camo clothes, L85A2 and hours of scrounging but still can't play well. I mixed some brains with my beans and now have a little sickness but I'm still human..... So I want to be with a few comrades that can help me learn and watch my back once in awhile it gets cold out in the forest with no matches....I have never found matches except once on a dead guy but was synched out before I could get them so I never get any cooked meat.... please email me with some directions [email protected] thanks FranknBrains

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Seems pretty awesome.My question is:Are there any restrictions?Like age wise and such?

No there isnt any age restrictions, we have people that are 35 years old and play with 13 years old kids. They all just want to have fun, the age doesn't matter.

@Mcrandy, u can remotly connect to our Server. I'll pm u the ip adress asap.

Just make sure you launch the game without joining any server.

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hi, weiss zwar nicht ob du deutsch sprichst, haette aber grosses interesse an eurem private hive.

bin schon laenger auf der suche nach einem zuhause in dayz.

mein mikro ist kaputt gegangen ( billiges klinkenmikro an nem gamingheadset)

bin 18 und spiele dayz seid 4 monaten.

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Hey I would love to play on your server been looking for a home for months now, only thing is I dont have a mic since I play alone mostly but I can go out and get a mic if its 100% needed.

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Can we talk via Ventrillo? For some reason TS always gives my comp fits. Or PM via forums. Me and a friend would like to find a PW set server to roll on for awhile.. hopefully 1-2 that have a solid 15+ ppl on at most times. Let me know please


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I don't recommend this server to anyone.


If you like abusing admins using ESP and serverrestarts to their advantage, admins who restart the server and then immidiately GET TO THAAA CHOPPPPEEERRR! to raid all the chopper-crash-sites before you even know where they are.

Seconde: If you like admins who raid your camps, kill you, make stupid rules AND THEN complain if YOU raid their tents,kill them, loot them and kick you if you start to bitch about it.

They also threatened us that if we would kill them they will start to stalk us , with ESP if needed.


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I don't recommend this server to anyone.


If you like abusing admins using ESP and serverrestarts to their advantage, admins who restart the server and then immidiately GET TO THAAA CHOPPPPEEERRR! to raid all the chopper-crash-sites before you even know where they are.

Seconde: If you like admins who raid your camps, kill you, make stupid rules AND THEN complain if YOU raid their tents,kill them, loot them and kick you if you start to bitch about it.

They also threatened us that if we would kill them they will start to stalk us , with ESP if needed.


1. The only restarts we do, are for increasing the performance, since the private hives tend to make the loading take years 2.. Since we got a helicopter its okay to look for crashsites, where its written that it's forbidden to do that? You and your mates did the same tho, and you did not mention it.

3. Esp? Are u kidding me? We followed YOUR Helicopter, since u can hear the helicopter for like 1200 meters away. We heard you near vybor, we followed the sound of the rotors, found you and shot you. Raiding camps is one the basic concepts in this mOf course we complain when someone raids our camp, who wouldn't? I didn't even kick one person on this server so far, except cheaters and hackers.

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Stop lying.

For the records (to complete the flame)

We where close to the very end of the map

If you followed us with your helicopter and were 1 km behind us, how come we didnt hear you coming ?

When the others got shot, I disconnected to connect later and kill one of you looting their corpses (as a proof that it was you)

Before I killed one of your guys you told us in the teamspeak that it wasnt you who shot us ? Why lie if thats what game is about ?

Seconde you said that if we would touch your camp you would hunt us, with ESP if necessary

Edited by Closi

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We attacked admins' heli and killed crew - get banned for that. I don't have any words for this. Happily, we've recorded whole action - link below.

IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND POLISH LANGUAGE: turn on the annotations for English subtitles.

Edited by LukasPL
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