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Dead after Join a server

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well.. today this came 2 times, i select a server wait for join the server... an Bam! "Ur dead" and the server respawn me on a alone place with nothing! , no bag, no items.... and this is the second time ._.

if i leave the server and join another, i lose all my items AND i have the same status and blood with 0 items, and spawn on the beach again -.-

is the Combined operation game (Steam)

Edited by sniper555

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This just happened to me tonight. I quickly joined another server and was reunited with my gear. The first time I wasn't so lucky.

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Just happened to me tonight on the same server I logged out on. I was FULLY geared too and spawned to this crap:87b3c500.jpg

Notice it kept my zombie kills, humanity (Yes, I strive to be a hero), my camo clothing and even says "Day 6" on the bottom. I don't get it..

I logged out and tried two different servers, but all showed same thing. I joined back on the server I died in and made my way back to where I knew I logged out at. Took over 2 hrs to get back up to the spot and two stacks of flares (nighttime). When I got to my body, there were no flies and said I died of unknown cause. Luckily I retrieved all my loot. A friend joined the same server (he logged out from it as well, same time I did) and he got "killed" as well. I'll not join that server again (US 406)

Edited by namtniap

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Im going to help everyone here. This happened to me after I discounected in a heli..what will happen is you need to wait for a few days and eventually one day you will login bam on the shore with all your old gear and debug stats back dont ask me why but it has work twice since...so look at it this way you have a character who only has 3 days to live so have fun with it :P

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