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How do you think they can solve the spawning at the coast problem?

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The current reason for spawning at the coast is you leaving the game while it's loading a server. Before, you would be taken to the Wilderness because when you spawn, you first spawn at the wilderness. Instead of leaving you in the wilderness when you log it, it detects that and puts you somewhere on the coastline. I believe spawning you in the wilderness first is to keep people from seeing you and killing you while loading. It's pretty annoying, but I get it, thought in the future it definitely shouldn't be a feature we have to deal with.

How do you think they can solve this problem? Black and white, they could make you spawn at the spot instead of the Wilderness first, but that would increase your chances of being killed while loading.That's the most direct fix for me but there's probably a better way to do it and I have no idea how they tweak the game. It's not really the game's fault, as the problem is with the server not being able to connect with you or something fucking up during connecting.

How do you think server admins and devs will deal with this? What game mechanic must be changed to keep us from spawning in Prigorodki all the time? (I've spawned 9/10 times in Prigorodki for some reason)

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I think it'd be interesting for each server to have its own spawn location. That way, if you wanted to meet up with friends or join with some other players you can easily do so. If you wanted to venture off solo, you could just run off. However, this would be heaven for campers. Maybe have it so the location changed every 10 minutes or so. Just an idea.

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I think it'd be interesting for each server to have its own spawn location. That way, if you wanted to meet up with friends or join with some other players you can easily do so. If you wanted to venture off solo, you could just run off. However, this would be heaven for campers. Maybe have it so the location changed every 10 minutes or so. Just an idea.

So everyone starts in similar spots? That would be incredibly annoying if you have a camp of the top left corner and the spawn made you start in Cap Gorlova

Thought it would be cool if you spawned anywhere when you spawn for the first time.

Edited by AllYoYens

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Well, first I'd like spawn points to be more numerous.

I'd also like a secondary system to set how a non-fresh pawn will not accidentally spawn back on the coast.

I'm not familiar enough with the mechanics, but if possible keep the original spawn for the fresh-meat and have so that if a server can't find your true spawn (last place it recorded you being at), it would spawn you in places other than the coast. How it could detect that could be linked with your gear.

If you load a server and you only have started gear, coastline spawn.

if you load a server (and the hive/server can't figure out where to put you) with anything more than a starter set of equipment, you get to spawn in any of the secondary spawn points. Said spawn could be fixed within particular buildings (ex. Apartment building or in a barn on a decked floor)

Otherwise, why not have a larger set of spawn points? Keeping most of them on the coast but placing a few in the wilderness a bit north from it (within, say, 3 km) so you can get the odd holy-crap-I-don't-know-where-to-go spawn. Imagine spawning in a forest with NO reference point and no building in view. How about giving you a free watch in such cases (so the poor-soul can be not-retarded and figure out north by himself with help of wondrous knowledge and logic).

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I think the best option would be to figure out why some servers leave you sat at a loading screen for upwards of an hour and then fix the problem.

Then there's no real need to worry about the coast spawns.

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