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Will My Computer Be Able To Run This Game?

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Hey Guys I'm looking to see if my computer would run this game ARMA 2 DAyz mod without lag?

650W Power Supply

CoolerMaster Storm Enforcer

Cd DRive

Radeon 6770 Graphics Card

I3-2120 Hyperthreading Processor

8GB Memory

Asus Motherboard h61m HVS


The stats for this computer include the following

Processor 7.3

Memory Ram 7.4

Gaming Graphics and Graphics 7.4

Primary Hard Disc 5.9

Thanks for checking it out fellas

Edited by AintNoGoat

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My current computer runs DayZ on worse hardware on what you have and it gets around 20 FPS and has lag spikes every so often, but I can still play. I think you computer would get around 30 - 40 FPS if you set it to the lower settings.

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The stats for this computer include the following

Processor 7.3

Memory Ram 7.4

Gaming Graphics and Graphics 7.4

Primary Hard Disc 5.9

Thanks for checking it out fellas

these stats mean nothing, you will probably be able to run it not sure how well your processor is sorta poopy

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Processor is not ideal maybe go for an i5 or i5-3750K if youve got the money.

3570K FTW.

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