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spongebob (DayZ)

player ID reset needed please.

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can I get a reset for this player ID please 60311750 , am unable to log into servers even tho all my versions are up-to-date. "server version incorrect msgs"

with be happy if you could do this in no time :>

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can I get a reset for this player ID please 60311750 , am unable to log into servers even tho all my versions are up-to-date. "server version incorrect msgs"

with be happy if you could do this in no time :>

Let me guess, do you "found" a AS50 TWS and have about twenty murders ?

Hahahaha, karma related...

Better open a ticket from you hack-stuff provider and that script messing the character, hahahaha it's so funny. Pay for a hack that mess your gameplay (and btw the rest of us) and then waiting for a global ban. Since the last hack/script update a lot of people complaing about this problem, that suspicious, I cant stop laughing.

Next time, think twice...

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Let me guess, do you "found" a AS50 TWS and have about twenty murders ?

Hahahaha, karma related...

Better open a ticket from you hack-stuff provider and that script messing the character, hahahaha it's so funny. Pay for a hack that mess your gameplay (and btw the rest of us) and then waiting for a global ban. Since the last hack/script update a lot of people complaing about this problem, that suspicious, I cant stop laughing.

Next time, think twice...

I don't think you are one of DayZ staff to help me out with this but thank you for wasting your time reading this post and trying to explain what happened to you too ;), I don't really have to reply to your comment; but to make it clear to others and help the troubleshooter to understand my case, I did not mention any hack/script using in my post and I have never came across that AS50 you are talking about & the game was fine till the next log-in not the last update which was some time back. And if you really want to help, then please go ahead with killing those annoying snipers(hackers ofcourse) on top of the buildings/mountains that are annoying other players from playing this game normally; after doing that I'll say you did us a great job helping us play normally, other than that please keep your "I cant stop laughing" for your self , I didn't come here to have replies like this from non-staff so "Next time," please "think twice..." .

Have a nice day and I wont be bothering to read any of your next replies B)

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I don't think you are one of DayZ staff to help me out with this but thank you for wasting your time reading this post and trying to explain what happened to you too ;), I don't really have to reply to your comment; but to make it clear to others and help the troubleshooter to understand my case, I did not mention any hack/script using in my post and I have never came across that AS50 you are talking about & the game was fine till the next log-in not the last update which was some time back. And if you really want to help, then please go ahead with killing those annoying snipers(hackers ofcourse) on top of the buildings/mountains that are annoying other players from playing this game normally; after doing that I'll say you did us a great job helping us play normally, other than that please keep your "I cant stop laughing" for your self , I didn't come here to have replies like this from non-staff so "Next time," please "think twice..." .

Have a nice day and I wont be bothering to read any of your next replies B)

Oh boy, I'm only trying to explain (and btw helping) you the problem. For the good of your next cdkey or game or whatever...

Take a look:


Last pages are full of your brothers in arm down (some with youtube channel!). Dont worry, probably you've a bunch of CDKEYs ready, only take another one... and wait, maybe (lucky) when the char reset occur the banhammer hasn't fallen yet.

Good luck!

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