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Aren't zombies moving too fast?

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IMO the Zombies could/should be made slower (easier to hit), but at the same time - much more dangerous at close range. In a way they could catch and bite you, so it could be hard to get free, once catched. Instead of that - now they only hit or kick, quite slowly.

The second thing that I believe should ba changed is the ability to kill zombie with axe so easily, with one hit, hitting it ANYWHERE.

First, kiling a zombie with a hatchet should not be not SO EASY. It's a zombie/infected, it's resistant to shock, the only way to kill it with one hit should be by hitting it in the head. The corpse should require several hits from hatchet to kill.

Additionaly - swinging a hatchet over and over is not so easy for an average man, it's just as tiring as running fast, if not more. Charakter should be able to make only few hits/swings with an axe, after that he should be tired and slow down, untill he recovers a bit.

After those changes, zombies would be much more dangerous at close, and much more dangerouse en masse. A player could not - as currently - feel COMPLETLY SAFE from zombies and just IGNORE them, because he has a hatchet in hands.

Using hatchet would be less effective - it would be like crowbar is now - and letting zombies close would be much more dangerous too. That would promote using firearms against zombies and fighting them from the far, which is I believe realistic.

Also, hitting a zombie with a hatchet should alarm other zombies in close proximity, like 10-15m. After all, it's quite a sound...

Edited by Amizaur

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Yes, definintely feels faster in some movements, like the zig zag you mentioned. But they're also, dummer than ever. I watch them running off down the road and I think, Oh someone else is in trouble and then I realise it's taking some crazy path to get to me! :huh: Also, even if you keep running, zombies will still catch you because their calls tell other zombies ahead and to your sides that you are in the area. So someone will get you in the end!

Edited by Sula

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