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Looking for Partner!

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Hello Everyone!

I am currently looking for a partner for my Dayz adventure! Though i am only looking for 1 Person only...( I already tried a sort of team or clan... not really my style least i can say xD )

I Have a certain experience in Dayz ( not a Pro but not a Noob either ) , I know almost the coast by heart and...well not very familliar with the north part of the isle xD

Here is the kind of person im looking for :

-Im looking for a fun partner! Not someone who takes the game too seriously :P ( If we die , laugh about it ! )

-Someone who won't be bother by my little accent....sorry about that :(

-Someone who play reguarly, Even better if its around like 4PM-10PM East coast time and the week-end a little bit

-Someone who enjoy the PvP around Cherno and Elektro in High pop Server, as well enjoy some surviving element far in the North!

-Someone who talks English OR French! ( Im Not from france though xD )

-Someone who own Raidcall or Mumble for the ingame talk!

At the moment i am not geared but i hope to change that soon enough! :D

Thats it guys, i will try to update this forum once i found my partner!

( Omfg almost forgot my info.... )


ADD ME ON SKYPE: Gr3cx or samuel.grise

See you later guys, have a nice day!

Edited by Gr3cx

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hey i'm interested. shoot me a pm and maybe we can work something out

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Im 16years old.

Hope that dosent bother you so much... :P

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hey i'm interested. shoot me a pm and maybe we can work something out

hey i'm interested. shoot me a pm and maybe we can work something out

Sure... Just add me on steam or skype! :)

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Have you ever been in the bandit section? They tend to point out how unorganised survivor groups are... I think this slightly proves it. I wish you luck finding a partner, maybe we should make a template for group creation...

Edited by FishIsTwonk

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