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Cheater found on LU398

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My mates and I found a hacker camp on our server two dayZ ago. Why is it a hacker camp?

-Multiple tents (nothing wrong here)

- 2 M136 + rockets (legit I know)

- 6 M9 SD + shitload of clips

- 6 coyote backpack

- 8 mk 48 + 25 clips

- multiple ghillie suits, camo clothing and so on...


The two things that make me think that guy is a hacker is this: we found multiple items called "soldier clothing" in the tents. As you all know, soldier clothing is not in the lootlist, so the item was scripted in.

Also, behin the tents, there were 8 cadavers standing. All of them had all the tools + nvg, rangefinder & gps, a mk48, soldier clothing on, m9sd, mountain dew, a satchel charge, a m136 and rockets. I looked up the name of the cadavers ("Study body"), all of those cadavers were named "Mattman".


Mattman scripted items in game, including non-official ones (soldier clothing), and I believe he has a selected spawnpoint on skalinsky island.

I will furnish prooves when LU398 comes back online again (yesterday night me and my group stole the chopper from what I believe is the admin group, so they restarded the server & may have cut the links to the hive so we can't find the server again.)

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