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steve t

A DayZ session which saw highs and lows.

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Let me start by saying I have never had the chance to snipe in DayZ, before, but wanted to get an A S50, just in case the chance presents itself. I have been playing DayZ for around a month now and have had some great times and some very frustrating times....but all in all I think it is a fantastic mod. I look forward to the stand alone and for sure will be one of the first in line to purchase, once it is offered.

I have never killed another player, but rarely bump into anyone and spend most of my time trying to find equipment which I share. I really want an old bike right now....and I am holding thumbs.

Yesterday, a friend and I were taken out by hackers, (well I assume they were hackers). I cannot comprehend why people will spend money on a game, hack it so it does not provide the intended experience being aware that they are probably going to get a life time ban, when they are caught. Well... to each their own.

Anyway....after we were taken out...we re-spawned on the coast, only to have someone spawn right next to us, every time, and shoot us again....so we did not have a chance to try and get where were were to recover our equipment.

I server hopped and made it to a tent I had set up and got the bare essentials and logged out, with the intention of going back this morning to get more equipment and things.

I logged on this morning and started to gather some equipment from another camp we had found the day before. I approached the camp cautiously because I came across a dead animal, not too far away from the tents. It was dark....but I had stashed a pair of NV Gogs which came in handy. I saw a body lying between the tents, next and this put me on edge but I proceeded to look through the tents and got a weapon, (M4A3 CCO) and some stanag rounds to go with it and made my way over to our clans Camp 1.

Along the way I expected to find another tent where I knew there was good loot, from the day before, but it was not there. I went to a couple of deer stands and found some more ammunition and then on to our Camp 1. I had looted an A S50s and ammunition and had stored them in a tent but when I got to my tent I was disappointed to find the tent had been raided and it was no longer there.

I decided to go to where we were taken out the day before....close to the NW airfield to continue with my planned path of the day before. Along the way I came across various tents, tent camps and managed to get the coyote backpack, ghillie suits...more NV Gogs and range finders and pretty much had everything I wanted.....I even found another A S50 and started making my way back to a tent I had placed in a central position, on the map.

I reached the tent and tried something silly. I tried to place my A S50 in the starter back pack....and lost it. One lives and learns, I suppose.

By this stage I had being online for around 4 hours and was about to log off when but I decided to raid some barns and a town, which was close by. I had a fun time shooting Zombies and looting anything of remote value.

Then I noticed Zombies walking about who looked like the ones one finds at a helicopter crash site. I looked around....it was still dark and spotted a helicopter, almost in the town. I went over to it and low and behold I find another A S50, NV Gogs and a box of medical supplies. I was thrilled with the sessions play and finding the crash site, before logging...and had a great time out there.

So...unless I spawn in no man's land, again...I will be all set for my next session....which I look forward to. Also...I hope to bump into some friendly players....Cheers for now.

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fun read mate. I have two primaries, one M24 (?) in backpack. Haven't used it yet as I have heard backpacks will eat primary weapons. At least you found a crash site for another sniper rifle. Never been so geared! Good luck out there.


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