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Tweak to 'Study Body'

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This feature is currently broken, as it simply states the player's name and that they were "killed by ."

I would like to suggest that when the study body feature is fixed, instead of saying WHO they were killed by, or what WEAPON was used to kill them, simply state the ammunition type used to kill them instead. This forces players to actually think about what happened to the body, rather than automatically knowing there's a sniper nearby or knowing who to avoid.

Obvious exceptions are environmental, fall, melee and zombie related deaths.

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The "study body" function does't even work on my game lol. All's it says is: "His name was John. He was killed by". Then it cuts off there.

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I really like the study body option and I hope they fix it sometime soon. I'd love to be able to tell what all those dead people in Cherno and Elektro died from.

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OooooOooOoh I would love this to be fixed! Aslo, I do not want to know WHO killed him, but I want to know the cause. Does he bruises and gnaw marks? Does he have a .50 cal exit wound? That sort of stuff. That would just be sooo coool! :D

We can of course assume that there is a system for dog tags, or that people still carry their pre apocalypse ID's, so you can see who he was. I atleast like to know who I killed, that's for sure.

Edited by kebman

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