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Hatchets rarer, crowbars more common?

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Has anyone else noticed that finding a hatchet is much, much harder since the arrival of

Before, it was so easy, and crowbars seemed really rare. Now it seems to be the other way round.

One of my recent lives, the crowbar was the only weapon spawn in the first 5 buildings I went in. Cherno supermarket contained 4 but had no other weapons! The fire station had one and no other weapons.

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I'm still finding hatchets way more than crowbars, sounds like it's just that server

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I'm still finding hatchets way more than crowbars, sounds like it's just that server

hmm maybe so. Can server admins do that? adjusting spawn probabilities I mean

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Same, I almost never see crowbars, only saw one once in my hours of playing DayZ, hatchets and even crossbows are more common for me.

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hmm maybe so. Can server admins do that? adjusting spawn probabilities I mean

More likely is the type of spawn you search. Sounds to me like you do mostly residential looting. Hatchets are an almost exclusively Farmland item. There's a 10.something% chance for every single farm spawn to be a hatchet. In a barn with 12 loot spawns, that comes out to more than a 70% chance. Look for the red roofs.

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Hatchets do more damage than crowbars, but I've found hatchets more often. I think it's because hatchets spawn at industrial loot zones and crowbars spawn at residential loot zones.

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