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Atlanta 6 Locking

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Friends, Romans, apocalypse survivors, lend me your ears;

I come not to accuse Atalanta 6, but to question it. I play more than frequently on said server and have noticed a pattern of locking and unlocking. When i got up extremely early today, not long after sunrise by some of your timezones, Atlanta 6 was unlocked and full of joy. I played briefly then left to eat real breakfast. Upon returning, the server was locked with 1 person in it. The same yesterday, get up early, catch the worm, come back later and its locked. The day before that? The same I'm sure, but I was not up early enough on Saturday June 9th to get in before the lock. It bears mentioning, that in every incident I mention the server remained locked all day with some few others joining and leaving, going up to no more than 5, but always at least 1 person in the locked server.

In hindsight i should have been capturing the lock and unlock every day with the fluctuations in numbers, but i did not and hindsight is always 20/20.


So, this is today, now as i post. Locked 1 person. I will update with more images, but the information is available here, if hard to decipher: http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/238222?sort=start_time

So I guess my real question is, could this be legitimate server maintenance? I'm no expert, in fact I've been playing only about a month or so. However, Atlanta 6 is an amazing server, never had problems with the admins or even know who they are! Server runs great, excellent FPS, LAT, and connects in 30 seconds flat, without fail!

Please forgive me if I'm incorrect in my assertions. It is just that... it seems to strange to me, for it to happen all weekend and again today...

Thank you for your time,



My gear is locked in the server there with Atlanta 6,

And I must pause till it come back to me.

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Theres two of the in there playing now: http://i.imgur.com/fOjds.jpg

Locking/passwording servers are against server hosting rules' date=' and need to be reported.

There are some special cases, however (such as testing, or server having syncing problems)


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We paid 40 euro per month for this server, we played on it with friends because we don't wana spend hours of looking and repairing vehicles/weapons/gear and then just get shot when u get something to drink or get your car stolen when u aren't online. We are gone let the server shutdown between now and 3 days, not worth the money if we can't play it our way. If these people from DayZ wan't to have the community play the mod like it's a fucking prison with there rules LET THEM HOST THERE OWN SERVERS THEN and don't let other people pay for the server hosting and still get controlled like that by them. It's just like this : U spend money on hosting, DayZ takes command of it. Unfair realy... love the mod but hate the rules. Nuf said

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It's just like this : U spend money on hosting' date=' DayZ takes command of it. Unfair realy... love the mod but hate the rules. Nuf said


Noone forces you to agree to the hosting rules for the DayZ mod. By agreeing to the rules and violating them you can and maybe will be punished. Just because of you pay for the server (which is not solely for DayZ) it doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want with a piece of software installed on.

Obey the rules and everything is fine, getting killed is part of the game, having to work for being successful too. Where may we end up if everyone runs his own small private server, stuffs her/himself with all the candy stuff and then joins another server to have some fun over those that do not use that unfair advantages?

If you hate the rules, don't use the stuff bound to them. (period)

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We paid 40 euro per month for this server' date=' we played on it with friends because we don't wana spend hours of looking and repairing vehicles/weapons/gear and then just get shot when u get something to drink or get your car stolen when u aren't online.


This is the entire point of the mod, it's meant to be unforgiving. If you don't understand that, you probably shouldn't be running a server in the first place.

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We paid 40 euro per month for this server' date=' we played on it with friends because we don't wana spend hours of looking and repairing vehicles/weapons/gear and then just get shot when u get something to drink or get your car stolen when u aren't online. We are gone let the server shutdown between now and 3 days, not worth the money if we can't play it our way. If these people from DayZ wan't to have the community play the mod like it's a fucking prison with there rules LET THEM HOST THERE OWN SERVERS THEN and don't let other people pay for the server hosting and still get controlled like that by them. It's just like this : U spend money on hosting, DayZ takes command of it. Unfair realy... love the mod but hate the rules. Nuf said


Your actions can directly impact others. If you have a server to yourself and never have to worry about anyone coming after you, what's to stop you from raiding valuable places (NW Airfield, Stary, Crash sites..etc) and then hopping onto another server? You then have an unfair advantage and were afforded something no one else had.

Rocket is trying to foster a community and, with the current way persistence works across all servers, it's not feasible to allow people private servers.

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We paid 40 euro per month for this server' date=' we played on it with friends because we don't wana spend hours of looking and repairing vehicles/weapons/gear and then just get shot when u get something to drink or get your car stolen when u aren't online.


This is the entire point of the mod, it's meant to be unforgiving. If you don't understand that, you probably shouldn't be running a server in the first place.

Nuf said.

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Yeah, me and my girlfriend played on this server, got killed. Then when i tried to rejoin it was locked. And they have all my stuff on that server. They were offline most of the day and they only come online when they have all their people playing.

I saw the server locked a few days ago too and i was not aware you can do that. They knew the rules and they broke them several times.

I think this server should be blacklisted and the admin banned.

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What a dueche. We at anarchic-x.com are reconfiguring our dedicated server and once we have it up and running you guys are more then welcome to play on ours. We don't stand for any of this bullsh*t and cheating admins.

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