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Humanity bug?

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So recently ive been playing casually, Killing players who shoot at me etc. untill i racked up -156000 humanity. When i was killed it reset back to zero, but after a while it went back to -156000 and does this every time i respawn, so my humanity is getting lower and lower and lower and theres no way of stopping it, Even if i help others out to gain some, eventually it just goes back down to -160k. it was cool at first, now its kinda annoying haha. im sick of being a towel head cause everyone targets me and assumes ill kill on sight.


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as of now humanity is saved after death. its a bit buggy sometimes reseting to zero though. u can gain humanity by walking/running. about 150 every 2km i think. thats gonna be a long walk for you to zero it :)

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I was at -125.000 when bandit skins were removed a while back. After that i changed my ways and started helping people. When humanity was re introduced i had -30,000. It then began to rise back to the + figures in a day or two. Didnt like it, now im back to 120,000 :P

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