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Vilayer Server Locations (Australian Admins, take heed).

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As you can tell from our customer invoice, we ordered a server in Adelaide, South Australia.

After two weeks of finding conflicting reports of ping, Alongside a tracert from Adelaide, I had a friend in Sydney do one as well.

A consistency of 56ms from my end, in Adelaide versus a consistency of 11ms from his end, in Sydney.

Add on top of that, an email from them to my co-admin who ordered a lingor server that they had "no more stock in Sydney", despite also ordering an Adelaide server shows that they know that the server is not in Adelaide, and in fact in Sydney.

Last time I checked, that was false advertising. Sydney and Adelaide are half a country removed from each other. This is no trivial matter.

Edited by AU23_Admin

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Interesting, we did the same thing and I guess because we where so used to us pings (250) We assumed the server was here due to pings around the 30-40 mark.

I do remember when we ordered it just said Adelaide routed, the site never said the server was IN Adelaide so I don't now.

Edited by Toybox

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Honestly, I think your nit picking.

You had an increase in ping of 40ms so you cancelled the server? Riiight. They are the cheapest (too cheap IMHO) option for DayZ in Australia, so who are you going to go with now? You could have stuck with the server, and asked to be set up in Adelaide when one become available.

Looks like you were just looking for a way to cancel your account to be honest. I'm more curious how you find their performance, as they are selling those severs quite cheap, and I think the fact they offer 100 slot servers in Australia is bigger attempt at false advertising then getting the states wrong for the server location.

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Nit picking? Ok, well, let's say you go to the shop and buy a namebrand cereal. Only to come home and find out that the supermarket just placed a sticket over the top of generic brand cereal to make it look like name brand. Would you be fine with that?

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Seems more like an honest mistake on their part and they corrected it, even giving you all your money back? So yes, nit picking.

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Seems more like an honest mistake on their part and they corrected it, even giving you all your money back? So yes, nit picking.

Well, we've worked it out, I'm not getting the refund and will be staying. But I think this is a fair warning to others looking to host. You can call it nit picking but I call it honesty. As someone who switched providers simply because I wanted an Adelaide server, this was not a pretty thing to discover. I will admit I was initially pissed off at this and wanted to transfer immediately but as stated, I've decided against it. That doesn't change the fact that they have incorrectly stated the server locations. That's akin to stating a Seattle server location and getting a... idk... Oaklahoma server?

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They are no longer available on their ordering page. You could select Australia (Sydney) from the list a few days ago. Not sure yet as to what happened, but by their prices, I honestly couldn't see how they could stay in business here unless they were under the assumption most of their customers would have empty servers.

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Ironic the way Australian internet works;

I live in Perth and my connection is faster to Sydney then it is to Adelaide. O.o

I was told that the reason for the removal was simply that they ran out of stock.

As to "false advertising", I think that's a bit dramatic. The intention was to have the servers in Adelaide from my understanding, circumstance through the set up ended up with Sydney as the location, this was incorrect on their site for a small amount of time. Especially since you were offered a refund and if you work for a large company body, you would understand that sometimes not all employees share information through telepathy and sometimes information isn't %100 accurate.

It's great that you've come to let people know, I just don't know if I would've gone the same way about sending the message :S

EDIT: My engrish sucks today >_<

Edited by Graz
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As you can tell from our customer invoice, we ordered a server in Adelaide, South Australia.

After two weeks of finding conflicting reports of ping, Alongside a tracert from Adelaide, I had a friend in Sydney do one as well.

A consistency of 56ms from my end, in Adelaide versus a consistency of 11ms from his end, in Sydney.

Add on top of that, an email from them to my co-admin who ordered a lingor server that they had "no more stock in Sydney", despite also ordering an Adelaide server shows that they know that the server is not in Adelaide, and in fact in Sydney.

Last time I checked, that was false advertising. Sydney and Adelaide are half a country removed from each other. This is no trivial matter.

You're a bit of a whiner to be honest. 40ms? oh my god. I can 100% guarantee you will notice to difference.

Villayer offering 100 slot servers though.... definitely false advertising.

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Most server providers will allow you to gauge your latency to a server with a test, it all comes down to what they were promised, if they're buying on the proviso of low latency and it isn't, then they have grounds to complain.

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