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Boyka (DayZ)

The issue - chars getting stuck. Rocket not caring.

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Hey guys,

I found this very interesting troubleshooting thread that was sticky'd by Griff.

Let me copy paste what that particular thread says -


Posted 30 April 2012 - 12:15 AM

Firstly, welcome to DayZ mod, and the Arma community.

I just wanted to point out that his mod IS in the ALPHA stage. That means that it's not officially "released" as a complete product, and therefore is going to have problems.

Your job, as a player, is to report the bugs you find, and offer help to other players on how to troubleshoot other problems.

If we all do this, we can make it much easier for the mod developers to release a complete, bug-free product (which I hear is compatible with Arma 3 ;))




This topic here is quite ironic because..

Right now there's a huge amount of people who are unable to play because one bug is litteraly keeping them from continuing to play the game that they desire.(DayZ)

The bug/glitch is "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application." What caused it for alot of us is that our character got stuck under the map, or somewere outside the map, in the debug plains etc you get my point. Because right now as you stated Griff, we are indeed understanding that we are playing an alpha and it might take time to resolve the problems currently restricting your players from playing the mod. However, when we post a bug we also expect it to get fixed right? That's what your saying.

The 'ironic' part in this post followed up by, that the troubleshooting forms at the where you submit tickets at now has a new text included in it which says. "We do no longer help people whom gets stuck in the map, outside or whereabouts you would be in need of a ID reset." -- This really annoys me because they did it the same time they announced they are progressing to create a new standalone game.

The only fix for this glitch is mainly getting an ID reset from the DayZ team, there are only few of those who have the power enough to do so, one of them is Vipeax.(He also created a thread were people can post their issues and would get their ID reset by him personally if you posted, however the thread is dead since a month back and there's loads of people now having the issue and cannot continue to play, the thread continueus to grow bigger and bigger. It appears to be 59 people so far that has posted in that thread, also been 14 threads regarding the exact issue which have had no help at all.)

So what does that indirectly mean? They have given you the finger.

You will no longer get any help or resources to get your issues resolved because mainly they are not making money out of you, and they are focusing on what could be making them money instead. This is highly insulting, because in a former post that i wrote in the main bug thread was that DayZ would be nothing today without its Community.

Nobody would've reckognized Rocket in the first place if it weren't for us players, there would be no stand alone client to develop without us, Why? Because no players equals to no new ideas/plans on how to make money. We sure showed you a huge demand on this game, and you took the call and that is why your developing the new standalone.

But I don't think it's the correct choice to screw the players who are stuck in the mud as we speak, they also paid to play the game in another way.

In this case they bought Arma 2, and i am pretty damn sure there's a whole lot of people who only bought arma to be able to play DayZ. I know i did and so did two of my friends aswell.

I don't understand why you have thread templates like the one I copy pasted from Griff where you tell us to post the bugs and give you understanding so you can fix them and we should have the patience. I totally get that part though, however i do not understand but why you keep it up when you no longer care.. Why do you pretend you care?

To me it sounds like you are a company who have just realized that this game withelds alot of money for you, and the greed is taking over.

Which way will it be Rocket/DayZ developers?

The money, or the Community who are the reason behind your success.

I hope you choose the latter, Because I still believe you can make things right, it's not too late. You have indeed stepped backwards on this one, but you can continue to progress and keep stepping forward.

I do not mean any harm in my post, rather the opposite. I wish you the very best and luck with your new standalone client.

But please by all means, put some resources into helping those who helped you and resort some of the problems your players are having, because as of late they cannot play the game at all. No matter what they do, only you can help them.

Respect goes both ways Rocket.



Edited by Boyka
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Try connecting to DE 287, solved my problems with being stuck in debug.

If you spawn on the beach, stay on the server for about 5 minutes before leaving.

Edited by XAM

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Try connecting to DE 287, solved my problems with being stuck in debug.

If you spawn on the beach, stay on the server for about 5 minutes before leaving.

Im stuck under the map, not in the debugplains. I also tried the server, with no luck. Thanks though for the suggestion. Appreciated..

Although, If I joined your server and give you my name, are you able to teleport my character to a position where you are with admin powers?

Perhaps then the Hive saves the new spot you located me at and im out of the spot which is bugged?

Edited by Boyka

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The issue - chars getting stuck. Rocket being busy.

Fixed that for you.

Apparently your post already has been reported for trolling.

I feel the lack of response and the attitude your carrying is very low. I've talked with a bunch of people and gathered information and this is just a post with feedback/critics regarding how they have been handling with the issue so far.

Please refrain from trolling when there is a potential for a serious discussion.

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Im stuck under the map, not in the debugplains. I also tried the server, with no luck. Thanks though for the suggestion. Appreciated..

Although, If I joined your server and give you my name, are you able to teleport my character to a position where you are with admin powers?

Perhaps then the Hive saves the new spot you located me at and im out of the spot which is bugged?

Sorry, admins can't teleport people.

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Sorry, admins can't teleport people.

There's nothing that comes to your mind like, killing me and force a respawn somewere or such? Completely dead out of ideas? Cause im desperate for a solution.

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I completely agree with your rant, even though I had to use that word because it was well stated and is completely legitimate. I also am getting this error, and even went ahead and bought another Arma 2 OA key just to keep playing, now this character is also receiving this same error, so what do I do? Buy another key? I am a server administrator for US267 and now the only thing I can do is watch through RCON and try to administer it that way.

I have been playing DayZ almost everyday for a couple of months now and have reported several bugs as they arose, I have also offered suggestions to make the mod better... This is how we're repaid? I will probably not purchase the standalone if this is the kind of support that is received.. If it is a problem of TIME, then a system needs to be put into place to allow a character to reset their own ID possibly using their OA key, this would be the most secure way to do so and would alleviate malicious attempts to reset random characters.

I would just like some acknowledgment after submitting trouble tickets on these issues as well... Why is the system even there if it's not going to be utilized?

Username - Chimichanga

UID 1 - 23781638

Username - JerkFace

UID 2 - 36123014

**End Rant..

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I completely agree with your rant, even though I had to use that word because it was well stated and is completely legitimate. I also am getting this error, and even went ahead and bought another Arma 2 OA key just to keep playing, now this character is also receiving this same error, so what do I do? Buy another key? I am a server administrator for US267 and now the only thing I can do is watch through RCON and try to administer it that way.

I have been playing DayZ almost everyday for a couple of months now and have reported several bugs as they arose, I have also offered suggestions to make the mod better... This is how we're repaid? I will probably not purchase the standalone if this is the kind of support that is received.. If it is a problem of TIME, then a system needs to be put into place to allow a character to reset their own ID possibly using their OA key, this would be the most secure way to do so and would alleviate malicious attempts to reset random characters.

I would just like some acknowledgment after submitting trouble tickets on these issues as well... Why is the system even there if it's not going to be utilized?

Username - Chimichanga

UID 1 - 23781638

Username - JerkFace

UID 2 - 36123014

**End Rant..

Couldn't agree more on what you're saying..

I won't be buying the standalone client ethier if this what they do when we made them in the first place.. Some people has been waiting for nearly 1 ½ months soon.

It's not hard to reply in the thread that it'll be fixed within a short period of time. But nah, they decided to say that they no longer help stucked characters.

I guess all companies fall to the moneygreed side eventually. Sad to see rocket be one of them aswell..

Even worse, I contaced the staff through message and the response I got that they are so very very busy and setting up a system where we could fix this problem ourselves was never gonna happen.

Well, duh obviously they aren't making money out of us here, but they will and shall. So I believe that's were they put their focus on.. The standalone client, but with this kind of service, Ehhhh..

Edited by Boyka
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Gave you my beans ;)

Havin the same Problem (Server is running an incorrect version...) for some weeks now, and I gave up on hoping for help.

There are more and more replies to the Thread Vipeax startet for this Problem - but absolutly none replies by the side of

the developers.

Problem is - DayZ has reached 1mio Players by now and I guess Rocket is allready receiving Money for developing it by

Bohemia. So why care about maybe 100 Players who can't play anymore? Maybe we won't buy DayZ-Standalone, but

where is the point if 1 mio or more other people do?

At the moment you can read loads of interviews and articles about DayZ on several big gaming-HPs, all praising the

development and the creativity of DayZ - in short, loads of good news and free publicity. I guess as long as there aren't

any bad news about bad customer-support starting to appear on the big pages, nothing will change :(

I really hope someone of the Developers reads this thread and takes his time to help us - this would be really appreciated

and make lots of people happy. A way to reset your character yourself would be even more great, since I think this problem

will occur again and for more players.

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Bumping for an official response. Get some more people in here to leave their comments regarding the issue.

The whole concept here is so unacceptable, if you're a busy company , you better step up your game and tell your players you "ain't caring if they aint sharin'" their money with you if that's the road your taking at least admit it.

Edited by Boyka

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can you hop on some other server so u can get killed?

I was hoping this, but XAM hasn't responded back to my request.

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