Grant2600 1 Posted August 29, 2012 Hey, I'm sort of getting bored of hoarding supplies and weapons and thought I'd try a bit of PVP, but can anyone give me any tips or strategies on PVP, I though of sniping around cherno or electro or just running around cherno with an assault rifle but i'm interested in what other people have to say about it. What is a good server population level to go on when hunting? What buildings are good to hold up in (if any)?Thanks :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 168 Posted August 29, 2012 I'm not sure I'm pro but I will do my best to give some tips!-If you do choose to snipe around elektro/cherno, please do not use any places that someone with mild intelligence would look at and say"Hey, that looks like a good sniping spot!" If you use those spots, you deserve to be killed when that no doubt happens :[-Try to use tree lines and bushes if you have a Ghille Suit, it literally makes you close to invisible on a server with no name plates.-Join a server 20-30 people, without name plates.-Sometimes spots that don't "look good" can still BE good! :D-A spot not near zombie spawns, you don't want to attract zombies if you pop off a couple rounds!-Never camp near roads. Ever.-Get a few kills, leave the server. People WILL come looking for you!-Assume every survivor has a friend with him, many people play this game with their friends, and if they are competent enough to determine where you are based on the sound of the bullet, they can and will send their friend to flank you!-Try to snipe with a buddy! It's always easier to take people down and watch your back with a friendly sniper!-Only take shots you're 99% sure you can land! If you're playing legit, chances are you don't have tons of ammo!-If you choose to run around the city with an assault rifle, the easiest way to both see people, and get caught yourself, is to watch for zombie aggro!Hope some of these tips helped bro! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grant2600 1 Posted August 29, 2012 (edited) Thanks man, yeah there are definitely a few things in there I didn't take into account I'll use these on my next hunt.I also done some looking around on youtube for some videos and found a few good ones so I thought I'd share them with you guys. Some are pretty funny and some just again and I was also wondering what kind of sniper you use, I mean what would be the best for PVP in your opinion, I've been seeing loads of people with DMR's, but then the AS50 is more powerful and makes less sounds although I understand that its more rare. :) Edited August 29, 2012 by Grant2600 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Statik (DayZ) 2695 Posted August 29, 2012 Well..I was gonna give some advice, but Lockdown pretty much sums it up. If you do choose to snipe in Elektro or Cherno, one thing to look out for is counter snipers. People can and will lay on a nice high concealed spot, scanning for bandit snipers to eliminate. And let me emphasize on what Lockdown said, never pick an obvious spot! Firehouses for instance, amazing sniper spots, or so you think, until someone see's you clear as day and domes you from one of the 3 windows you are not looking out of. Also a quick little tip if you are sniping, bring at least a heatpack or two. If you get all set up on a roof, lay there for a while, you will begin to get cold. With cold comes shivering and if you are shivering in DayZ you won't be able to hit the side of the Cherno church from 20 feet (a bit exadurated, but you get my drift). My last little "tip" is don't get pissed off when you die. Bandits are the ones out looking for the fight, don't get upset when you get killed; which will probably be quite quickly since you are just starting out at the whole PKing thing. Happy hunting!P.S. If you are going to snipe, be patiant, sometimes players won't go by that area, don't get fed up... Let the beans come to you my friend. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Statik (DayZ) 2695 Posted August 29, 2012 The better Snipers for PvP are the better snipers in the game. If you find a AS50 or M24 and want to risk it killing coastal players in Cherno, be my guest, but a CZ, or even a Lee Enfield will work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrunkPunk 159 Posted August 29, 2012 I tend to stay away from any population about 20, because every time, without fail, a hacker eventually kills the server.i find most of my pvp experiences walking between and around the hotspots. particularly, downed helos and treestands outside of stary, between and around stary and novy, the outlying areas of the NWA, ect. also, the barracks at the NWA are great. particularly the southern barracks. if you have a bit of patience, you can wait around in the trees and you will always eventually find someone. but ultimately, i find hte most (and the most entertaining) pvp around the hotspots.i'd recommend staying away from the center of the hotspots during pvp encounters, as too many people come and go and server hop, so you could be fine one second and taken out by a sniper the next.and if all else fails, just look for zombie spawns as you venture around. you'll have some boring moments, but eventually, you'll have some really intense ones, too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Col. Kurtz (DayZ) 91 Posted August 29, 2012 Hey, I'm sort of getting bored of hoarding supplies and weapons and thought I'd try a bit of PVP, but can anyone give me any tips or strategies on PVP, I though of sniping around cherno or electro or just running around cherno with an assault rifle but i'm interested in what other people have to say about it. What is a good server population level to go on when hunting? What buildings are good to hold up in (if any)?Thanks :)Me and the guys hunt on servers with around 10-20 players. If you have a friend with a L85, go find snipers in the hills and take them out. I would stay away from inside Cherno and Electro. If you go in the town you might get 4-5 kills before you draw too much attention. In any case, good luck and happy hunting! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Abandonedcartoon 45 Posted August 29, 2012 Pro tip number one DO NOT got to Cherno or Elektro to snipe lol, commonly other snipers located there. More importatnly most people you kill will not be of any worth to you. The best areas to search for other players to PVP with are Stary or The NE/NW airfields. If you want some good action go ona 30-40 person server anymore and it's rather hectic. If you REALLY want a challenge though search server to server until you find a clan or multiple clans and hunt um down. Clans are fun as hell to hunt down seeing as how they travel in groups and once spotted are fairly easy targets, especially if they are in a vehicle. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cranges 1 Posted August 29, 2012 (edited) I have an opinion on LockDowns 7th tip.Obviousely a snipers true job is gathering intellegence.Even if your not relaying information to anyone, just remember.when you have a guillie suit, a sniper, and the element of supprise, you would be wasting your ability if you do not keep track of everything you see, and hear.When you have been observing a location for a while, with the right skills, you can overtime learn who is in that town or city.How many are there, what guns are being used, what viecles have been driven in and out.You can learn if teamwork is being used or not, exactly when a firefight begins or ends, how skillfull the survivers are.All this information can be gathered, simply by observing, and so when you switch servers, all of a sudden the location you have gathered all this information from is completely different.You don't know how many people there are, who has recently entered, etc.So don't switch server just because you can, because its much more dangerouse than simply changing posistions. just stick with the good old golden rule of sniping: Relocate! Edited August 29, 2012 by cranges 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 168 Posted August 29, 2012 I agree with this man ^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grant2600 1 Posted September 10, 2012 Thanks guys I'll definitely be using this information on my next PvP session :)Thanks again.PS: one more question. What's the first thing you do when you are in the middle of a large town and you hear a gunshot nearby but you know that it was not directed at you? Because I've been in two situations like that recently, died once and almost the second time when I tried to locate and confront the shooter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Striderrs 5 Posted September 10, 2012 Personally, when I hear gunshots that I know aren't directed at me I immediately conceal myself and listen. If they're stupid enough to shoot a gun once in a city, it'll likely happen again. After the second shot you can usually determine what direction they're heading. Couple that with your knowledge of the towns layout, and you can somewhat accurately guess where they're heading (i.e. churches, firehouses, supermarkets). Avoid aggro'ing zombies at all costs. Aggro'd zombies are really really noticeable, and a dead giveaway that you're nearby to whoever you're stalking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crockett (DayZ) 41 Posted September 11, 2012 Try to find at least 1 other player to team up with that plays the same times as you. working as a tag team or even a trio greatly increases your survival ability and also increases your random chances of PVP opportunity.Solo sniping around big cities is also a bad idea as you will have no back up/spotter and will likely find yourself dead rather quickly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexd191923 5 Posted September 11, 2012 my favourite: leave your good weapons in a tent, find an enfield (loud but kills in one shot) than go to a high pop server in electro or cherno and run around killing people, this is also what i do when im starting out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
calthehunter 61 Posted September 11, 2012 Keep civilian clothes for a quick switch (removing bag before the change of outfit) before entering a city, if you must. Ghillie = KoS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Delta Smoke 01 765 Posted September 11, 2012 There is no skill in sniping in cherno or elektro. All your killing is unarmed noobs and axe men. Go to stary or the NWAF, that way you may actually get a reward for your kill instead of a bandage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites