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Vehicles - Saves and Gear issue.

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I was wondering if this is happening to everyone or just on my server....

When I do a restart on the server, vehicles transformed into a different vehicle. I had the Ural and upon restart, it turned into a UAZ. The items I had in the Ural also changed into grenades, AK mags, and other random gear.. Then I headed to the Ural spawn location and it was there again.

Is there a fix for this or is there a file in my file manager that i need to update?? Or is this a hive issue??

Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.

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Save your vehicle 60 times or alot more, and you MIGHT have a chance that the vehicle will stay put after a restart ;)

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don't worry about all the graphic glitches loosing your backpack and disappearing cars... because rocket is adding dogs

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