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No food?

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Why does no food sporns. I cant find anything. I mean, I was in several houses, some stores, and I dont know. I found lots of usfull stuff but no food, I NEVER find found. Then I found 2 cans and a bug glitched me out of the map into the air. Dead. I was even in Devils castle. And now I have the problem, that nothing sporns. I was in 2 houses, 3 barns, and there was NOTHING but two axes....

Pls, why am I the only person who is so desprated to find food? Every help thread says, you can find foot and water easily, and when I watch a video they always get food at the beginning :(

Ps: Why do I have to realode an axe?

Thank to all usful replies. :=)

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Food can most commonly be found in supermarkets. But, there have been times when I go in and there is no food at all. Try again later.

The best way to get food, is to make your own. Find an axe, matches, and a hunting knife, then kill animals for their meat and cook it up.

Because, if you don't reload your axe, you can't swing it to kill zombies. :)

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Ps: Why do I have to realode an axe?

Because Arma 2 has no literal "melee" weapons so the axe and crowbar are just guns with a very short range... so since it's actually a gun you need to reload it :D

Edited by lordaddament
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