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vsync on or off?

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According to most of the "tweak guides" i've seen for the game, they say turn vsync off, but there is also some that say keep it on, so am wondering what is "right"? Ofc if your FPS is under your refresh rate most of the time, i guess vsync is pointless, but if it's mostly above vsync should be on, or what?

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If you experience screen tearing and find it annoying, then you might want to keep vsync on (it prevents tearing). However, vsync does seem to have negative effect to the FPS.

I recommend you experiment with it, and see if it affects the performance and whether you get tearing when vsync is off.

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Depends on your system and framerate.

Basic Scenarios:

If you are running a hyper gaming box and can get more frames per second than your display can produce turn it on cos all you are doing then is burning up gpu time. (why run 100fps when your display can only show 60?).

(there is a setting on eve online and a few other games which will do it ~ funny that)

If you are using 1 gpu and 1 screen leave it off if are getting under your screens refresh rate in terms of FPS and no tearing. (or at least tolerable screen tearing, if you go over turn it on).

If you have 1 gpu and 2 screen's its possible to get tearing on 1 screen and not the other.

(just pull the cable from the tearing screen and reconnect it, make sure the cable isn't beside a transformer or something cos that'll interfere with things but leave V-sync off)

If you are using 2 gpu's leave it off since the gpu's need to sync the screen buffer and don't normally exhibit tearing anyway.

If you DO use 2 or more GPU's and get tearing on one half of the screen, (which you might) check your drivers and reboot.

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