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Am I the only one who feels like bandits get a bad rap? Hear me out.

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I feel like people in this community equate bandit skin to douchebag. Not enough people realize that the humanity system is wretchedly flawed. I personally never kill anyone out of ill will and yet have ~ -35000 humanity. Why? Because when I'm gathering supplies in a city and I see someone, I yell out friendly in direct comms. I can count the number of people on one hand who have responded. Even so, I yell out for people to just exit the building from a different exit and I won't hurt them. And yet, without fail, people continue to sprint towards me.

What choice do I have at that point? Risk death and the loss of everything I've worked for? I don't think so. I shoot. The humanity system is an absolutely terrible indicator of a player's morality. I wear my bandit turban proudly, as it represents my ability to defend myself from potential harm. Yet players never trust me, even though I've given away plenty of vehicles, guns, and supplies.

I think this community needs to change its perception.

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The thing about bandits is that there and the few like you who shoot out of self defense and the many people that are just going around cherno and electro killing everyone that they see. I hope in the stand alone rocket can make it so the game sees the difference between self defense and murdering

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Alright, I figure this is true for around 80-90% of Players:

1. See a bandit skin? Shoot on Sight.

2. See a camo skin? Shoot on Sight.

3. See a ghilli? Shoot on Sight.

4. See a survivor skin? Shoot on Sight.

5. See a hero skin? Shoot on Sight. Then teabag.

Game is full of sociopaths.

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I totally agree. I think the detection system needs to be vastly improved. Just because you didn't take the first shot doesn't mean that you weren't being aggressive.

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Well, there's a fine difference between bandits and the douchebags that go about shooting unarmed people or sniping elecktro. So I think everyone thinks bandit = murderer, when in my book it's bandit > murderer and a murderer = COD kiddie/utter dumbass.

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Honestly, the bandit skin is a flawed idea, anyway. People talk about realism this, realism that, but I don't remember in this real world that I live in, my wardrobe being dictated by my actions. Rocket wants no hud or forced visual indicators in his game, well the bandit/hero skin is just another one by itself.

So yeah, really I think it needs to be done away with for good come stand alone. Even if he could get it to tell the difference between straight up murder and self defense, I think it ultimately detracts from the experience. Every player you walk up to, you should have that fear of betrayal. Not just the ones you walk up to wearing turbans.

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I personally never kill anyone out of ill will and yet have ~ -35000 humanity.

I kill everyone out of ill will. I tea bag the body of every single player I kill. Then, I take out all their stuff, and leave them with nothing but a can of beans on their body, so they get their hopes up when they return for their bodies. And then I record it. And screenshot it. And I print out the pictures and put them on the wall of my room.

My collection makes me feel all warm inside.

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I kill everyone out of ill will. I tea bag the body of every single player I kill. Then, I take out all their stuff, and leave them with nothing but a can of beans on their body, so they get their hopes up when they return for their bodies. And then I record it. And screenshot it. And I print out the pictures and put them on the wall of my room.

My collection makes me feel all warm inside.

I read this, then looked at your avatar and I lost it.

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Am I the only one who glitches through the bandit/survivor skin after respawn? I respawn as a bandit... 5-10min into the game my screen flashes and voila..

I'm a survivor. With 300 humanity. You say humanity transfers even if you are dead but no.

The thing is:

I had -5k humanity because I killed people who started shooting at me first. I died recently and I spawned as a bandit again with 0 humanity. Then suddenly after around 5min I got the survivor skin back and the humanity changed to 300. Then I died 2 more times and each time the same procedure after respawn.. Dafuq is happening. ?

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Am I the only one who glitches through the bandit/survivor skin after respawn? I respawn as a bandit... 5-10min into the game my screen flashes and voila..

I'm a survivor. With 300 humanity. You say humanity transfers even if you are dead but no.

The thing is:

I had -5k humanity because I killed people who started shooting at me first. I died recently and I spawned as a bandit again with 0 humanity. Then suddenly after around 5min I got the survivor skin back and the humanity changed to 300. Then I died 2 more times and each time the same procedure after respawn.. Dafuq is happening. ?

yeah, just another instance of how horribly bugged and dysfunctional this system is. be careful because that change can convert your backpack of any kind to a patrol pack. happened to me twice the other day. yet another wonderful bug in

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I haven't had a bad experience with a bandit. They don't kill me. it's usually the survivors that I have to watch out for. A bandit knows where he stands and usually they have a zero kill policy if you present yourself as a zero threat. And the entirety of this experience is from inside the boundaries of Elektrozavodsk.

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I haven't had a bad experience with a bandit. They don't kill me. it's usually the survivors that I have to watch out for. A bandit knows where he stands and usually they have a zero kill policy if you present yourself as a zero threat. And the entirety of this experience is from inside the boundaries of Elektrozavodsk.


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I wanna know what server you're on, Cody. Sounds like a dream

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I can count the number of people on one hand who have responded. Even so, I yell out for people to just exit the building from a different exit and I won't hurt them. And yet, without fail, people continue to sprint towards me.

What choice do I have at that point? Risk death and the loss of everything I've worked for? I don't think so.

I think this community needs to change its perception.

So what you are saying is that you shoot first every time.

Have you ever thought that a person running toward has absolutely NO chance of hitting you with a fired weapon. Try it. Your sight will sway over a three or four foot arch.

Maybe they don't respond because they aren't in direct comms range and they are sprinting toward you to get into range.

You murder players to protect your beans.

That is how you roll. It is a very valid play style.

Now deal with it and stop whinging because people don't trust you and your raggedy head.

I play by NOT murdering.

I don't have a bandit skin. I wear my hero skin with pride because it shows that I trust others and am trusted by them.

The humanity system works perfectly.

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Othra, this was on a random server this very morning. With a lot of action in Elektro. I usually play on US267 Oregon, but I believe this server was US 1088. There were a ton of players in elektro and most of them were polite enough to allow me to help. Or would offer it in kind.

Edited by Cody_Lundin

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I haven't had a bad experience with a bandit. They don't kill me. it's usually the survivors that I have to watch out for. A bandit knows where he stands and usually they have a zero kill policy if you present yourself as a zero threat. And the entirety of this experience is from inside the boundaries of Elektrozavodsk.

Yeah, whatever.

Keep taking the pills.

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So what you are saying is that you shoot first every time.

Have you ever thought that a person running toward has absolutely NO chance of hitting you with a fired weapon. Try it. Your sight will sway over a three or four foot arch.

Maybe they don't respond because they aren't in direct comms range and they are sprinting toward you to get into range.

You murder players to protect your beans.

That is how you roll. It is a very valid play style.

Now deal with it and stop whinging because people don't trust you and your raggedy head.

I play by NOT murdering.

I don't have a bandit skin. I wear my hero skin with pride because it shows that I trust others and am trusted by them.

The humanity system works perfectly.

Yeah, the system works perfectly and you can get penalized for killing someone who fires first.

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Yeah, the system works perfectly and you can get penalized for killing someone who fires first.

You guys do know this is an ALPHA MOD to a flawed game engine?

If you are HIT by gun fire first then I suspect that you will NOT lose any humanity points defending yourself.

But the OP quite clearly states that he always shoots first at a running target.

That is why he has the bandit skin.

That is why he logs the murder.

They are his beans and no one else can have them.

That is how he plays and until he dons a camo suit or ghillie suit he will wear a bandit skin - showing his murderous ways with pride.


Edited by EMT - Jasz

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You guys do know this is an ALPHA MOD to a flawed game engine?

If you are HIT by gun fire first then I suspect that you will NOT lose any humanity points defending yourself.

But the OP quite clearly states that he always shoots first at a running target.

That is why he has the bandit skin.

That is why he logs the murder.

They are his beans and no one else can have them.

That is how he plays and until he dons a camo suit or ghillie suit he will wear a bandit skin - showing his murderous ways with pride.


So you'd be fine with someone charging towards you or pointing a gun at you and not responding?

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Cody when you get murdered, whilst looking to heal a player and wearing you hero skin, armed with a torch Then you can talk about negative vibes.

For the record(assuming your dig was aimed at me) I am only reiterating what OP posted.

I am neither agreeing with, or disagreeing with his game style.

He is absolutely correct in what he does. Just like I am, or the 'dont like Mondays' sit in Bell tower script kids are.

We can all play this how we like.

There are some very minor consequences to how we interact with other players. One of them being the style of civilian clothing that we end up with.

I just have a natural instinct to trust and help my fellow man in times of crisis.

Others don't.

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So you'd be fine with someone charging towards you or pointing a gun at you and not responding?

I have to say that I would be more comfortable if they weren't. Unfortunately, like I said, it is virtually impossible to hit anything in-game whilst running.


I would also be more worried about the guy steadied, on one knee pointing his gun at me.

The direct comms channel only works within 30m and to get to that range it means moving toward a player. Just because you are 'talking' doesn't mean they are hearing.

I have to say that I am not aware of the 'do not charge' mechanism in the game, or the 'put my gun by my side as I move' mechanism either. And therefore as we move it is very intimidating.

The guys you really should be worried about are ensconced on the sniper hills and you will never see them.

If it is your nature to shoot first then you best get a camo suit cos you will be wearing the bandit skin for a long time otherwise.


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Othra, this was on a random server this very morning. With a lot of action in Elektro. I usually play on US267 Oregon, but I believe this server was US 1088. There were a ton of players in elektro and most of them were polite enough to allow me to help. Or would offer it in kind.

Exactly why I have had US 1088 in my favorites for a while now.

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I am a bandit, but I try to keep some honor. I do not betray people, because IMO you cant go much lower than that. However, I am not above placing a tent in electro and setting traps for people. ;)

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