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Highly Organized Military Realism Clan Recruiting Day Z Players

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I'm very interested but you're site is inactive. Here's a little bit of my information.

In Game Name: Colts or Colts One

Steam: (private) Will give you it once we talk.

Mic: Yes

TS3: Yes

Age: 21

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Timezone

You can PM me if you need my skype as well.

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I'm very interested but you're site is inactive. Here's a little bit of my information.

In Game Name: Colts or Colts One

Steam: (private) Will give you it once we talk.

Mic: Yes

TS3: Yes

Age: 21

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Timezone

You can PM me if you need my skype as well.

Apologies, Our site was inactive for about 2 minutes yesterday. If you don't mind, please submit an app through the recruitment tab and I will set an interview time with you.

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Hey my name is Matt, Id like to join your group. I have been playing DayZ for a month now but i have picked it up fast and im pretty good and experienced. I have expirience playing as a group, i was part of Guardians of Chernarus for awhile, and i will be on often and im friendly and pretty easy to get along with.

In Game Name: MattTheSurvivor

Steam: Brabender21/ MattTheSurvivor

Mic: Yes/Good one

TS3: Yes

Age: 16 / Mature

Time Zone: US Central

Hope you can get back to me soon ill be on late tonight playing

Sorry Matt, we do require our members to be at least 18 years of age. Thank you for your interest.

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I'd be very interested in this group. I'm ex British Army so have military experience. How many members do you actually have? Also do you run in big groups, say 20 people? I'd really like to be involved in something like that! :)

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I was thinking of joining the clan, but is the age limit of 18 strickt? Im 16 years old and im very mature so i think i could make it with you

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Hey I'm just curious, do you guys have a chopper on your server.

Edit: Now that you know you have one, I like the perimeter you guys set up. One mistake was someone ran up and got in, that could have been laced with satchels. Don't worry, it's not. It's a gift. I saw you running and raiding and thought i'd help. Just call me a helpful Henry. I watched you all take your positions. I stole an as50 from you, sorry. I needed to keep a watch and see what you guys did. Pretty cool stuff. I can't approach you though or you will shoot at me like you did when I flew over electro. Or was it not electro? I forget.

Edit 2: Don't worry, I wont shoot you guys. Just seeing what kind of military realism is going on in your group, I think it's cool. I think if a couple people did a perimeter sweep you would have found me, considering you are up high to begin with it was hard to get a good watchful position. If only you would read the forums lol

Edit 3: Yeah, better take the chopper somewhere safe. I might come back and TAKE it. Haha I wish I could hear your conversations right now, im interested. I was just leaving as it flew over my head, I thought that was funny. But there is no way you all left and left your camp unattended. Again, I won't do anything to you guys. Besides try to move close and speak, maybe it will scare you, but ill probably get killed.. which is whatever since it's a private hive. I hope this experience gave you guys a little training. Ah what the hell maybe ill amp you up some more

Edit 4: Sorry I didn't want to kill one of you guys, but he got really close and aimed at me, I had no choice. I was asking if I could leave peacefully since you surrounded me, but you didn't respond. I'd gladly join you guys, since I seem to be giving you such a hard time. But someone has to read the forums first.

Edited by lxTalentShow

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Why would you fire upon an unarmed man? Is that what they do in the military?

I don't know who or how many people shot at me, but whoever it was is the absolute worst shot, I wasn't 15 meters infront of him and he missed with at least 10 shots... Why would you even consider shooting when I am walking to your tents unarmed after a conversation? You guys make for bad rationalists.Also I joined your ts3 server, no one here.

Edit: HAHAHA NO GAS IN MOTORCYCLE, not my day it seems. Ill be back, I think what you guys did was despicable.

Alright so heres the recap. I see them leave their base to go raid. Earlier that day I found a Huey and a uaz. As a peace offering I fly the chopper and drive the uaz to their base and then try and get in contact with them. After two hours of them lingering around (which I was watching the whole time) searching for me I finally move in close enough to type to them. They talk to me as one of their guys is searching. He comes into close quarters with me and aims and I take him out. They said he was just trying to show me their base (Already knew where it was). 20 minutes later I have another encounter with someone and begin to type, they tell me to unarm myself and walk to the tents. I do so, they clearly see no weapons in my hands and I begin to walk. Someone open fires on me with a rifle and misses every single shot. Whoever you are you do not belong in the military. Just wow. I escape and run for cover. I look back and see him searching for me like he can't believe I got away. I flank to the other side of the mountain where I see someone named Bourne lying in plain sight no trees or grass just dirt. I take him out with the as50 I kept in my bag just incase such instances occured. Which they did. Also after they shot me I put 3 Nato rounds into their Pickup and set it ablaze. Good stuff to watch. I sneak around for a bit and eventually hop on their motorcycle (Last time I was in it it had gas, they must have drained it) Smart move on you, because of that mistake I am finally taken out by a sniper, Not sure what his range was but nice shot. My conclusion - I bring you peace offerings to join your group, you lie, and mislead me and eventually kill me. This is what you call military realism? This is what I call Paki or Nazi realism. That was disgusting people. Thanks for amusing me for 3 hours.

Oh yeah, enjoy your vehicles.

EDIT: HAHAHAHAHA YOU SERIOUSLY JUST LET ME WALK BACK AND TAKE THE CHOPPER? The thing isn't flyable right now and I am just going to leave it where it is. It's not far from where I took it but that is fucking hilarious!@!!!!!!!! You almost killed me too I had to crash land you fucked up my engine and rotor HAHAA. Oh man Karma..

Last edit : Your admin just seriously banned me for cheating/hacking? Are you for real???? HAHAHAHAHA You can't handle a little competition so you ban it? Give me one solid reason why you think I am hacking??? That is the most incredibly stupid thing ive ever heard in my life. I come back, take your chopper crash land it like 400 meters away, walk back after gaining conciousness and your guy kills me again and I get banned for hacking???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA straight up nobody join this group they are a bunch of pussies no idea how to play no idea how to fight and when they finally have to fight and lose its because of hackers. Good luck in the real world kids, its fun playing against noobs from time to time, enjoy your "realism clan" HAHAHA

Since I don't want the chopper to go to waste the coords were 103 Down 102.5 Accross

Edited by lxTalentShow
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I really enjoyed the idea of this group, but after watching a few videos and reading the account of IxTalentShow, seriously, go fuck yourselves...

Good job IxTalentShow! Looking forward to meet you in Chernarus =)

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The camp and every vehicle is officially destroyed. Better watch who you're fucking with. Too bad the realism isn't kicking everyone out of the group that dies once. You wouldn't even have a group anymore. Cheers

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The camp and every vehicle is officially destroyed. Better watch who you're fucking with. Too bad the realism isn't kicking everyone out of the group that dies once. You wouldn't even have a group anymore. Cheers

I think you are a little to tightly wound for us. We're looking for mature players. Ragers and people who talk smack because they stole a chopper in a video game probably won't pass the interview. We want players who enjoy playing this game in an organized, MATURE manner using teamwork. Of course you weren't hacking. Hackers are just like people in prison. Everyone is always innocent.

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...Of course you weren't hacking. Hackers are just like people in prison. Everyone is always innocent.


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Sent my App in bud

In Game Name- Apex

Mic - Yes

TS3 - No (but i can get it)

Ag - 27

Time Zone - EST

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The camp and every vehicle is officially destroyed. Better watch who you're fucking with. Too bad the realism isn't kicking everyone out of the group that dies once. You wouldn't even have a group anymore. Cheers

It's all put back together and then some. That's what you can do when you have a couple dozen people who play selflessly and work together.

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It's all put back together and then some. That's what you can do when you have a couple dozen people who play selflessly and work together.

Rofl you people are a joke.

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Sounds interesting. I would be down, but if it makes me feel like I'm back in the shop, I will probably EAS again, lol. Gravity_Loss on steam.

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