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Highly Organized Military Realism Clan Recruiting Day Z Players

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1st Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment The Walking Dead USMC is a military realism unit focused on

the the Day Z and A.C.E mods for ArmA 2 OA. Our mission is to provide a gaming environment that

simulates the traditions, tactics, and feel of the United States Marine Corps as closely as

possible. Integrity and respect are the guiding principles behind 1/9-WDU. Our ranks include

actual infantry and security forces Marines along with criminal justice professionals. We

strive to reproduce the camaraderie or "Esprit De Corps” that the structure and discipline of a

military environment brings. Veteran military, police, those who are considering joining these

professions or anyone who enjoys a highly structured environment will find a home with us.

Any Applicant who is accepted will be required to complete our Recruit Training before he will

earn the right to wear the 1/9-WDU tag and play with the unit. This includes rifle and pistol

qualifications, driving courses, MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) training, and our

Day Z Live Fire Course. Other training courses such as Helicopter Pilot training, Machine-gunner Qualifications are available.

1/9 offers players the ability to earn medals, ribbons, and badges for reaching certain

milestones. Additionally, exceptional and dedicated players who show they are willing to put

the welfare and enjoyment of their squad-mates first will be promoted. Our ranks start at

Private and go all the way to Colonel. Additionally, we need Fireteam Leaders, Squad Leaders, Platoon Commanders and NCO's.

We own and operate a server "1/9 WDU Server" which is running the

Vilayer Hive and has upgraded anit-cheat protection.

If you are interested in becoming part our unit. Go to www.wdu.enjin.com and click on the

Recruitment Tab to fill out an application.

Edited by MadMaxUSMC

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You sound like exactly what I'm looking for. Unfortunately my spoken English isn't perfect tho I understand very well. I am german and actually looking for a german team but yours seems so be very fun :-) maybe we can talk a little before I make an application the official way.

See ya

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Add me on steam (Motoeagle = account Motofox = playername)

i would like to get in touch, no homo.

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This sounds like -exactly- the kind of group I can get along with. I do have one relevant question though. What is your clan's attendance requirements? If 2-3 nights a week works, then I'll certainly look into recruitment, but I unfortunately don't get a whole tonne of time to play.

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We are flexible on attendance. The one requirement is that you show up when you say you will and remain engaged in the forums etc.

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Add me on steam (Motoeagle = account Motofox = playername)

i would like to get in touch, no homo.

Go to our website at www.wdu.enjin.com and click on the recruitment button. Fill out the short application and I'll get in touch with you so we can discuss joining on our Teamspeak.

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My internet goes via my phone and is somewhat unreliable at times. Would this be an issue, or would we be able to work around it?

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My internet goes via my phone and is somewhat unreliable at times. Would this be an issue, or would we be able to work around it?

Not necessarily. I guess it would depend on how unreliable it is. Generally we try to accommodate anyone who has a positive attitude and wants to participate in the clan.

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Sounds pretty cool, would like to fight you some time.

Where where you thinking 10 paces turn and fire :) ?

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ROFL This will be good. You all don't mind a prior Army 11B (Infantry) running with you all do you? If not I would be interested in talking with you all.

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ROFL This will be good. You all don't mind a prior Army 11B (Infantry) running with you all do you? If not I would be interested in talking with you all.

Prior military is always welcome!

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skype name :timusmc0311

steam name : lance coconut

im a infantry rifleman in the Marine Corps reserves, let me know if you guys are interested in recruiting me, i'll play along but if you want to play as Marines lets be realistic and not take oursevles "too" seriously

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The last thing I ever want to do, is be boot twice.

Your PMI probably shoots pizza boxes, anyway.


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The last thing I ever want to do, is be boot twice.

Your PMI probably shoots pizza boxes, anyway.


<--- 4th award expert. However, we only hand out the 4 fingers of death MRE.

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skype name :timusmc0311

steam name : lance coconut

im a infantry rifleman in the Marine Corps reserves, let me know if you guys are interested in recruiting me, i'll play along but if you want to play as Marines lets be realistic and not take oursevles "too" seriously

We would love to have you in our ranks, However, we do take orders seriously. Everyone in this unit finds a highly structured military simulation fun. That's what I have promised them and I intend to keep my word. Granted it is not for everyone.

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We also almost always have an Admin available, so we encourage anyone one our server to contact us through our forums regarding hackers, cheaters, etc. Got another one first thing this morning: 06.09.2012 22:48:30: logan ( a087ae8f12658e57af98d1fd589c7757 - #0 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"

We do miss some, but the more involved we can get our players the better chance we have of catching those we may miss or overlook.

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We also almost always have an Admin available, so we encourage anyone one our server to contact us through our forums regarding hackers, cheaters, etc. Got another one first thing this morning: 06.09.2012 22:48:30: logan ( a087ae8f12658e57af98d1fd589c7757 - #0 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"

We do miss some, but the more involved we can get our players the better chance we have of catching those we may miss or overlook.

We also ban players for PVP logging and ghosting. Additionally, we just opened a public Teamspeak for players on the server where they can create their own channels and contact server admins directly.

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Hey my name is Matt, Id like to join your group. I have been playing DayZ for a month now but i have picked it up fast and im pretty good and experienced. I have expirience playing as a group, i was part of Guardians of Chernarus for awhile, and i will be on often and im friendly and pretty easy to get along with.

In Game Name: MattTheSurvivor

Steam: Brabender21/ MattTheSurvivor

Mic: Yes/Good one

TS3: Yes

Age: 16 / Mature

Time Zone: US Central

Hope you can get back to me soon ill be on late tonight playing

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