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Dynamic Hard Loot Caps

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Bumping thread because I believe it's the best solution to inflation that has been posted, and no one has provided an objection that was not directly addressed in OP.

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I like the idea of a hard cap, i think a side effect might be forcing low level players to join together to either defeand aginst or hunt those with higher power weapons. The only thing I would worry about are spawns after the weapon was lost, as in the weapons breaks, you die in the a middle of the ocean (people might try to screw others by getting putting weapons there.) Sorry i fyou commented on this already, iwas schemming through, reading most, but I might have missed it. My only other question wuld be if you died by zombies, would the weapon stay there where your body is/was if no one is around, or would it respawn, or would i get put on thebody of one of the zombies who killed you?

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I would prefer if it worked just as it does now, gear stays on your body until your body is deleted or server resets, this would also take care of weapons that are left in the enviornment (dropped) or griefing scenarios, though the actual rarity of items would be so great I don't think anyone would try to grief with them, it would actually be as illogical as it would be in an authentic scenario.

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OK I didn't know for sure, but it was a concern, how about the spawn location for lost weapons?

Edited by curtis19

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I agree 100% with the OP.

What many people don't seem to understand is that in order to keep rare things rare and common things common you either need to remove items from the world at the same rate they are being added or cap the number in existence. There are no other options. Sorry, I don't accept "If they look long enough everyone can gave the gun of their dreams" as a a valid option.

In my opinion caps are the way to go. As already noted wear rates would need to be unreasonably high and random partial drops from KIA players would also be artificial, and likely need to occur at a very high rate as well. It seems likely that caps would also introduce the most new emergent gameplay opportunities. As the weapon spawns were used up player strategies would need to change completely. In contrast, weapon degradation would likely just become yet another widget we need to collect and button we need to push at regular intervals.

In order to get the system right there would undoubtedly need to be some tweaking over time but I think the issues should be manageable.

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Not a terrible idea overall, i can see a lot people never getting a high tier weapon or high tier loot at all, nvgs being an example, which in a rl scenario would make sense. How many people in any zed movie you ever saw had nvg's a rangefinder and a .50 cal ? and nearly all of them (movies) have a large military presence, dead or alive.

There needs to be a system in place to cap the loot, that is the main thing that has come across in the alpha for me. Everyone in wookie suits with the best gun and all gear has shown the major flaw of the mod. Hacking and altf4 takes a back seat to the mass duping and never ending supply of gear.

If some sort of cap is not put in place it will be exactly the same in the standalone , may take a bit longer if duping and hacker crates are sorted but it will still end up a wookie deathmatch..not a survival mod.

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Thanks for the positive feed back, I hope these types of considerations are examined by Dev's. I think that this type of feature really belongs in Beta, but I think the more data that is avialable the better the tweaks to possesion caps can be. The only way to get data is to have glitches fixed and implement some type of cap though.

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This system could work nicely. I like when you really need to look for stuff.

Someone said about not being fair to newbies, It would rather authentic to not find those hc military stuff after a while world has been running since it has been already taken by others... world is not going to give "endless" supply of materials just to be fair for new generations.

But problem I think is the limit, how could you limit the number of items?

If server side, what happens if you try to join from different server?

If hive side, what happens when clan/group farms "all" high grade military gear to one server?

I like wear and tear, but it really should be calculated of amount of rounds fired and how gun is maintained (cleaned, greased).

Not like, lets say 1000rnds and your gun is done.. that is just stupid, I should be able to play loooooong before any marks of tear would merge.. if the gun is maintained. I dont think everything cant be realistic like that but even somewhat authentic would be nice. I dont want my gun to be leaking can, waiting to be useless. As for this the weapons should be really scarse that you had to use your weapon for long time, atm you can switch weapon at every 10 minutes...

Anyway, as you have to find gun, ammo and mags are scarse, maintenance stuff and weapons have to be maintained for longer life.

There should some "round count" that when you service with in it you get longest life span and so on (like between 150-200rnds)..

So that you cant just clean it after every session and be done with it, but that you have to keep track of the bullet count.

After your weapon starts jamming it might be just not being cleaned for a while and after maintenance should work fine or it has degraded to a point of no return and time to start seek for new one. Gun shouldnt be rendered useless at anypoint, maybe inaccurasy that gets wors when degrading prosesses and more freguent jamming.

I think this wouldnt make more pvp, at least on the gun owning half. Since your gun is valueable you rather wont risk it, same goes to all. As a sniper you would think if there was enyone else to pin point your loc and kill your ass, if you miss the shots and the guy can be coming for you or is the guy worth the shot as there is no bullets to spray around with.. no more endless camping on the hills. Also raiding towns would become more intence as would all other firefights.

Sure newspawn can axe you for your gear or join you for seek of his own... You have always options, its key thing in this game.

Some wise could make the loot tables for this... that would be hard and long time experiment (food spawn etc rates)

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