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My game experience of my last 7 lives.

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i Write now my experience of the last 7 lives in dayz:

1) I found a bus in cherno repaired it. On the way to the big airfield with a friend the server restarted after a warning of 30 seconds. We saved the bus. And logged out. After loggin in the bus tansformed into a bike. After another logout and a break over night it disaperared. Stolen or buggen: Later i got killed by zombie.

2) found a full functional car, killed by the kill a hacker - teleported in a height of 800 meters.

3) Tried to enforce 3 bandits in elektro. Moved over 30 minutes in a good position. The hacker and all on the server were dead.

4) killed again by hacker. All on the server got killed(differnent server)

5) killed again by hacker. All on the server got killed(differnent server)

6) Shoot a player, bugged from a roof in elektro -> dead

7) shot at night a bandit with my lee enfield. Took his L85A2 AWS, M4 and alice pack. Went from cherno to elektro by foot. Found a unkillable sniper, which didn't move but wasn't dead.

That took an hour to move to elektro wanted to kill 50. Sniper. Logged out in a good position in elektro. After logging in again if been in cherno again with my lee enfield. 10 min later killed by hacker.

Am i the only one with such wonderful game experience?

Edited by fiese_moep
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Stop playing on servers with 25-30+ people....

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my past lives..

Ended dead in all of them.

That's what matters.Not that a hacker killed you,or a camper,or an extra stealthy zombie-cousin of Mike Tyson,you died,i died,we all died.And we will keep dying.Cause thats the game!And everytime we die we learn a new lesson.Like "shoot first ask later",or "running with a flare in hand is stupid"..every death is a new life,so yeah,try to enjoy it !

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He doesn't actually remember all of these, and he probably got outplayed by a couple players and blamed hacks. The game is buggy at best, sometimes things happen that are beyond your control -- latency, poor hit detection (even on Zeds sometimes), a miss that you really wanted to believe was a hit -- and then you die from them. It happens. Additionally, stop running to the highest populated areas and your chances of success will raise exponentially. I've only been killed by another player one time, In Cherno. My fault. Running through the apartments with no cares in my heart.

Play safer.

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He doesn't actually remember all of these, and he probably got outplayed by a couple players and blamed hacks. The game is buggy at best, sometimes things happen that are beyond your control -- latency, poor hit detection (even on Zeds sometimes), a miss that you really wanted to believe was a hit -- and then you die from them. It happens. Additionally, stop running to the highest populated areas and your chances of success will raise exponentially. I've only been killed by another player one time, In Cherno. My fault. Running through the apartments with no cares in my heart.

Play safer.

Some times playing safe doesn't work cause after a while you have the feeling that you're safe,and then BAM you're dead.happened to me,i was looking for food in a small village,night time,i was heading to my clan.i had no good stuff,just my lee enfield,but i was trying to be stealthy cause i didnt want to waste 30 minutes of running north..i found a can of food,ate it,and then headed to my guys..i was out,in the woods,when i saw a flare in front of me, and then a random dude with an ak shot me and killed me..and i was in a forest,i was far away from a street or a town.he prob had a camp nearby and thought i was a threat.so playing safe doesnt help..playing clever though,it helps..

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He doesn't actually remember all of these, and he probably got outplayed by a couple players and blamed hacks. The game is buggy at best, sometimes things happen that are beyond your control -- latency, poor hit detection (even on Zeds sometimes), a miss that you really wanted to believe was a hit -- and then you die from them. It happens. Additionally, stop running to the highest populated areas and your chances of success will raise exponentially. I've only been killed by another player one time, In Cherno. My fault. Running through the apartments with no cares in my heart.

Play safer.

Don't get me wrong. I didnt die cause of gun shoots in the last 7 lived. Just the same shit. All player get beamed on one location or beamed i a height that they all die cause hitting the ground.

Edited by fiese_moep

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DonÄt get me wrong. I didnt die cause of gun shoots in the last 7 lived. Just the same shit. All player get beamed on one location or beamed i a height that they all die cause hitting the ground.

simply log out and you're good. The falling one is a bit tricky, you just have to do it close to the ground.

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He doesn't actually remember all of these, and he probably got outplayed by a couple players and blamed hacks. The game is buggy at best, sometimes things happen that are beyond your control -- latency, poor hit detection (even on Zeds sometimes), a miss that you really wanted to believe was a hit -- and then you die from them. It happens. Additionally, stop running to the highest populated areas and your chances of success will raise exponentially. I've only been killed by another player one time, In Cherno. My fault. Running through the apartments with no cares in my heart.

Play safer.

Or maybe he does remember and your just a jackass who want to cut people down for saying the have issues with hackers?--You know like most people do.

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I think I have about 120 hours logged in DayZ and I have yet to die to a hacker. I got teleported in the air once, but managed to abort in time to live on. I don't know if someone hacked in weapons or teleported himself around the map to kill me, might have happened, but most of the time I died because i wasn't careful enough or because I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I'm playing on servers with low to med pop. Everything between 10-30 players basically. 20 or 30 of the hours i played were spent on Lingor. I had a hacker encounter there, but the dude was just teleporting people around and flying them to the prison and giving them a little tour. He didn't kill anyone.

Edited by jurrasstoil

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Or maybe he does remember and your just a jackass who want to cut people down for saying the have issues with hackers?--You know like most people do.

You mean like the vocal minority on the forums do?

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I finally survived my first day. I kept getting killed by other players. The first few times I was kill by zoms. I don't have a strong trust toward other players now. At least I play with a couple of other people,

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Run around like crazy to find a weapon.

Die from a sniper.


Not much survival gameplay in this survival game... Unless you define "survival gameplay" as being the target on a sniper course. If you actually should try to sneak and avoid attention, you will be a sitting duck for all the snipers.

And you cant survive in the wilderness since you dont even have a knife, axe or matches on you. How you have survived so far is a mystery.

10% of the server population is maxed out in gear (mostly from hacking) and snipe noobs while the noobs desperately tries to find a weapon to shoot back.

Hardcore? Nope. Ridiculous.

Solution? Give all fresh spawns a rifle, knife, hatchet and some matches. Everyone can at least try to survive then.

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Solution? Give all fresh spawns a rifle, knife, hatchet and some matches. Everyone can at least try to survive then.

Sorry, but no. There's a reason why the took away the starting Makarov in the first place. People would camp the beach and kill fresh spawns for their beans and ammo. No gun also doesn't give newbies the run and gun mentality, where they shoot the first thing they see and get themselves killed. It forces them to learn how to deal with zeds without firing a shot. As far as snipers go, that's going to be there gun or not, and even with hunting supplies you'll still have to go into cities for meds and bigger bags. Learn to deal with them, adapt and survive.

It's honestly not that hard to find a gun either, there is a high chance gun spawn within 10 minutes of basically every spawn point. If you can't find at least an axe within that time, either the world hates you or you're looking in all the wrong places. On average, you should be geared up for northern living with a half hour.

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i Write now my experience of the last 7 lives in dayz:

1) I found a bus in cherno repaired it. On the way to the big airfield with a friend the server restarted after a warning of 30 seconds. We saved the bus. And logged out. After loggin in the bus tansformed into a bike. After another logout and a break over night it disaperared. Stolen or buggen: Later i got killed by zombie.

2) found a full functional car, killed by the kill a hacker - teleported in a height of 800 meters.

3) Tried to enforce 3 bandits in elektro. Moved over 30 minutes in a good position. The hacker and all on the server were dead.

4) killed again by hacker. All on the server got killed(differnent server)

5) killed again by hacker. All on the server got killed(differnent server)

6) Shoot a player, bugged from a roof in elektro -> dead

7) shot at night a bandit with my lee enfield. Took his L85A2 AWS, M4 and alice pack. Went from cherno to elektro by foot. Found a unkillable sniper, which didn't move but wasn't dead.

That took an hour to move to elektro wanted to kill 50. Sniper. Logged out in a good position in elektro. After logging in again if been in cherno again with my lee enfield. 10 min later killed by hacker.

Am i the only one with such wonderful game experience?

No being killed by hacker's 3-4 time's a day is par for the course, don't get used to having good gear.

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Sorry, but no. There's a reason why the took away the starting Makarov in the first place. People would camp the beach and kill fresh spawns for their beans and ammo. No gun also doesn't give newbies the run and gun mentality, where they shoot the first thing they see and get themselves killed. It forces them to learn how to deal with zeds without firing a shot. As far as snipers go, that's going to be there gun or not, and even with hunting supplies you'll still have to go into cities for meds and bigger bags. Learn to deal with them, adapt and survive.

It's honestly not that hard to find a gun either, there is a high chance gun spawn within 10 minutes of basically every spawn point. If you can't find at least an axe within that time, either the world hates you or you're looking in all the wrong places. On average, you should be geared up for northern living with a half hour.

You dont actually play DayZ, do you?

If you somehow have missed all the noobs just running around these days, not caring if they live or die until they have found a primary weapon, you must have lived under a tree in the north or something. Its like a Benny Hill show. Absolutely crazy.

For us that have friends its not a problem; We just go north and take what we need from our base. But for new or lonely players its a 30-60 min run to find the basic survival stuff and most often get killed before you have that. Then just restart and do the noob-run again. As i said; Its not "survival"; Its ridiculous.

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You dont actually play DayZ, do you?

If you somehow have missed all the noobs just running around these days, not caring if they live or die until they have found a primary weapon, you must have lived under a tree in the north or something. Its like a Benny Hill show. Absolutely crazy.

For us that have friends its not a problem; We just go north and take what we need from our base. But for new or lonely players its a 30-60 min run to find the basic survival stuff and most often get killed before you have that. Then just restart and do the noob-run again. As i said; Its not "survival"; Its ridiculous.

I do play, and mainly solo. I do have a personal base up north, but it's a policy of mine if I die to bring something back to the camp instead of just draining it of supplies.

The people running around in big cities are the smart ones. It makes them hard for snipers to hit and they can't be hit by zeds, as well as allows them to lose any zeds they do aggro. You can be sneaky and fast, it is possible. It's also very possible to get geared without running through a coastal city. There are barns, deer stands, small towns, castles, and cities inland that are much less populated and have markets and offices and such. All have a decent chance of weapons and a high chance of at least food and drink, if not hunting gear, and they're not nearly as camped as coastal cities. Honestly the only thing I feel I need from the coast is some meds, everything else I can grab 1-2 km away from all the action.

It seems to me you just need to learn from your deaths and adjust to the situation. Just because there are people shooting at you doesn't mean the survival aspect is out the window. Zeds are terribly easy to deal with, your survival element IS other players. If you're having trouble surviving, that's your own issue, a crappy gun you'd get off spawn isn't going to help you much, it may even hurt you. Hackers of course are an entirely different conversation, there are ways to deal with some of their tricks, but you will be killed by one eventually, that's just a fact, which is why you don't get attached to gear and having a the "protection" of a glorified target.

Edited by HerrJon

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I find the realism in game to be very true to life. I in fact am developing a bit of an aversion to play. It feels like survival especialy when your on low pop servers and die from exposure/hunger.

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