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gittery first person view??

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whenever I play on a server that's not recruit, my first person view is so gittery, I cannot shoot. Why is this? Am I the only one? I would like to play on regular+

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There's a new word!!!!!

B) I think he means jittery.

@OP: Take painkillers and disable head-bobbing via settings. You're welcome~


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how does that help? is it a bug? because on a recruit server its fine? or is it a regular mechanic to be so jittery in first person its unplayable?

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I don't know whether or not difficulty has anything to do with it, but this is the only reason your vision should be spazzing out.


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I don't know whether or not difficulty has anything to do with it, but this is the only reason your vision should be spazzing out.


yea, i took painkillers and my first person view is fine now, so, on a normal or higher difficulty server, you need painkillers everytime you get hit to counteract jitteryness, on recruit you do not. weird, thank you monster. now to stock up on painkillers and eat them like candy like my stepmother when I was 9

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There is a set % of incurring pain when hit. The dayz or Arma wiki might have the exact number.

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yea, i took painkillers and my first person view is fine now, so, on a normal or higher difficulty server, you need painkillers everytime you get hit to counteract jitteryness, on recruit you do not. weird, thank you monster. now to stock up on painkillers and eat them like candy like my stepmother when I was 9

No .. maybe it was just bugged for you... recruit servers will be gone soon anyway ... so get used to veteran servers

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Try upping the aiming deadzone value in your options and learn to play that way..

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