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Got to love defcon

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Ian Dryer || Client 08/23/2012 13:03

We are having sever performance issues. Can we please make some changes to the launch commands change -exThreads=0 to -exThreads=1 and add -noCB to the launch commands.

Support Staff || Staff 08/23/2012 13:10

I will check into that for you.

If you need anything else please let us know.

Support Staff


[email protected]

Ian Dryer || Client 08/28/2012 08:27

there has been no update on this and now the ticket is closed? we have to restart the server ever 4 hours to keep performance up and after we get 20+ people in the server load times are outrageous and performance goes down the whole. Is this a VM or is it running on a shared box. we are getting desync every time someone join and have been getting massive lag spikes every half an hour or so. Any ideas or do I need to find out whats going on myself..........

Support Staff || Staff 08/28/2012 10:57


Of course it's running on a shared box. Did you think your $40/mo purchase got you an entire machine to your self?

If you need anything else please let us know.

Support Staff


[email protected]

Ian Dryer || Client 08/28/2012 11:12

I didn't ask for a smart ass remark I asked if it is running in a VM or a shared box do you know the difference or do you lack the necessary knowledge to answer the question. If its a VM i will approach working it differently since they utilized resources differently. Your service has been piss poor and your attitude sucks I have no issue going somewhere else but I went with defcon since I had prior experience with your company and enjoyed it. I hope to keep with you guys but I need help find out what the issue is.

Edited by XMorTus

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Well, that sucks. If you're looking for a new provider please look into Elpis Host. :)

And if you're not looking for a new provider hopefully you will be able to work out a solution with your current provider.

Edited by Tyler Salwierz

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I call BS here. It would be very easy to edit that to make it look biased. Like the poster above I've been with defcon for a few months now and every support request I put in (Most are stupid questions I might add) were all answered very professionally.

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why the hell would I go out of my way to make them look bad. Maybe that's in your character but its not in mine. I was shocked to see this response from them and they reply they gave me afterwards was great and they are working with me to correct the issue. this inst the first time I have worked with them and I always enjoyed my experience with them.+

Support Staff || Staff 08/28/2012 11:45

I apologize for the comment. It wasn't meant to be rude. Your server is hosted on a dedicated machine which is shared with other customers. I checked the machine in question and don't show any issues at this time. If it persists we would be happy to move you to another machine or location.

If you need anything else please let us know.

Support Staff


[email protected]

Ian Dryer || Client 08/28/2012 12:02

I don't think its the machine I think its the server software. I just want to check to see if its a resource consumption issue. Or if its begin caused by the database on DayZ side. is there a way I can work with someone on the server during peak time. So I have some data to work with. If not I will approach it from the DayZ side and see what I can get. I just want to get it working right. If its a resource issue I have no problem paying more or getting a VDS if you guys provide one but I need some data before I am make that choice.

Edited by XMorTus

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Glad to see this is being worked out. I've had nothing but good experiences with defcon and know they will get your server working properly.

I still fail to see why you came here to post instead of working with them. Misunderstanding happen which seems to be the case here. Next time try working with your host before running here to "tell". In my experience things get done much faster and you save face in the end.

Edited by Rogue1

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not going to lie but I was a little pissed and most of the people I know have no idea what I am talking about so I thought I will pass it to like minds and see what I got. For all I know someone has been having the same issue and corrected it.

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At the end of the day that tech's response was completely unacceptable, regardless of intent.

I think MorTus was perfectly within his right to come here to complain. I would've done the same thing. That tech needs to be either better trained or terminated. 90% of a tier one support tech's job is customer service, and this person displayed no skill in this area.

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Glad to see this is being worked out. I've had nothing but good experiences with defcon and know they will get your server working properly.

I still fail to see why you came here to post instead of working with them. Misunderstanding happen which seems to be the case here. Next time try working with your host before running here to "tell". In my experience things get done much faster and you save face in the end.


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why the hell would I go out of my way to make them look bad. Maybe that's in your character but its not in mine. I was shocked to see this response from them and they reply they gave me afterwards was great and they are working with me to correct the issue. this inst the first time I have worked with them and I always enjoyed my experience with them.+

Support Staff || Staff 08/28/2012 11:45

I apologize for the comment. It wasn't meant to be rude. Your server is hosted on a dedicated machine which is shared with other customers. I checked the machine in question and don't show any issues at this time. If it persists we would be happy to move you to another machine or location.

If you need anything else please let us know.

Support Staff


[email protected]

Ian Dryer || Client 08/28/2012 12:02

I don't think its the machine I think its the server software. I just want to check to see if its a resource consumption issue. Or if its begin caused by the database on DayZ side. is there a way I can work with someone on the server during peak time. So I have some data to work with. If not I will approach it from the DayZ side and see what I can get. I just want to get it working right. If its a resource issue I have no problem paying more or getting a VDS if you guys provide one but I need some data before I am make that choice.

I have Defcon Also and when my sever get's to 30 to 35+ its restarts... That's why I am going with another server company but its hard because I like Chicago IL ..My server bill is due the 1st and they just tried to bill my Card about 2 hours ago ..And my bank stopped it I love my bank you cant auto bill my card ... Looks like I'll be look at server tomorrow ...

Edited by Wells73

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I go out of my way to make them look bad. Maybe that's in your character but its not in mine. I was shocked to see this response from them and they reply they gave me afterwards was great and they are working with me to correct the issue.

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