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Really? 5 v 1 and they still quit.

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I freshly respawned last night got into Elektro got some things I needed and got out of there. Started going NE to get to the airfield so as I started making my way up the hil looking over Elektro I notcied a Sniper I shot and missed him and as you may of guessed he quit. All I had on me was a few cans of food and drink and a lee enfiled. So after he quit I thought I will get behined the trees and call it a night.

So just now I logged into Server DE 649 I think it was. As soon as I logged in I heard multiple shots all around me but I never quit I crawled around to see where the shots where coming from when I notcied 5 maybe even more people walking down the hill from the trees. I thought well if they see me and dead if I somehow manage to kill them ill get some decent loot. So I shot and every single one hit the deck. Except for one who seemed like he was panicking and finding it hard to press the Z button. So I shot him and blood started pooring out and what did he do. He quit and so did the guy lying down next to him. I then got shot me self and died.

Seriously your all think you have balls the size of bowling balls when your in a group with sniper rifles and god knows what else. Shooting at most likely Fresh spawners in Elektro but you shit your selfs when 1 guy starts shooting with a Lee Enfield really? I have saw many pathetic moments on computer games over the years but this tops the lot.

Well done you guys/girls are the biggest losers I have ever encounted in a computer game. I am now off to ENJOY! starting a fresh scavaging for any weapon I can fined along with food ect. If your reading this get ready to quit again as am going to come up with just an axe.

Edited by ocelot20
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People are such bitches in this game, they can shoot fresh spawns but cant take on anyone if they are being shot at themselves.

Its just like what happened today, me and my friend were counter-sniping bandits in cherno on top of the large industrial buildings, we got 2 kills and figured we'd move positions so we didn't get flanked by the people we just killed or others counter-sniping or hunting us, as we were moving to a different hill my friend was just barely missed by a bullet and we started sprinting away to an open field, we both had ghillie suits so we layed down pretty much in the middle of the open field and he scouted the area with his thermal gun, told me the position and range on the target and we killed him, as soon as the shot hit he disconnected and the kill didn't count.

We were now heading to Elektro mainly talking about aborting as you get shot and talking about how he's never done it and ive only done it to avoid what I suspect was a hacker, headed up to the Elektro sniper hill planning on just shooting anyone on sight as we're moving up the hill I see a guy with only a hand gun he took one shot (that missed) and I shot him with my as50, immediatly he dissapeared so we assumed he aborted as well. We got up on the mountain and immediatly spotted a sniper on top of the firestation, easily took him out saw his name and talked to him in the side channel, we let him get his stuff back and he was off.

Now I don't know if this is the same person we shot from on top of the firestation, but I noticed someone attempting to flank us and even though I knew he was there he didn't feel like a threat I continued scoping out Elektro and a few seconds later my friend tells me over skype that he's been shot and the shooter is right behind him, I was laying about 20m ahead of him and instead of logging out like a pussbag I stood up and hid behind a nearby tree looked for the guy and shot him.


Logging out to avoid dying is the biggest dick move in the game, it pretty much takes the fun and fear out of the game. Not knowing if you are going to live or die in a scenario is what keeps me playing this game and that kind of heart pumping like crazy feeling you get when you engage in a firefight makes the game what it is, imo. I hunt bandits, its what I do, If they log out it just shows how much of a pussy they are. I can understand a survivor or "hero" logging out upon being shot I still dont agree with what they are doing, but when a bandit does it, it just shows they cant take what they dish out themselves

FUCK thats a lot of writing

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I agree Bl00g00 Aborting the game because your getting shot is just sad and pathetic. Now I have a bandit rag on my head at the moment because I admit it early on in the game I shot anyone who came close to me as I completely crapped my self when I saw another player. I enjoy this feeling as I have never felt so pumped playing a game in years. But now I know how the whole thing works I give people a chance.

When ever I see another player now I still crap my self even if all they have is a axe.

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I freshly respawned last night got into Elektro got some things I needed and got out of there. Started going NE to get to the airfield so as I started making my way up the hil looking over Elektro I notcied a Sniper I shot and missed him and as you may of guessed he quit. All I had on me was a few cans of food and drink and a lee enfiled. So after he quit I thought I will get behined the trees and call it a night.

So just now I logged into Server DE 649 I think it was. As soon as I logged in I heard multiple shots all around me but I never quit I crawled around to see where the shots where coming from when I notcied 5 maybe even more people walking down the hill from the trees. I thought well if they see me and dead if I somehow manage to kill them ill get some decent loot. So I shot and every single one hit the deck. Except for one who seemed like he was panicking and finding it hard to press the Z button. So I shot him and blood started pooring out and what did he do. He quit and so did the guy lying down next to him. I then got shot me self and died.

Seriously your all think you have balls the size of bowling balls when your in a group with sniper rifles and god knows what else. Shooting at most likely Fresh spawners in Elektro but you shit your selfs when 1 guy starts shooting with a Lee Enfield really? I have saw many pathetic moments on computer games over the years but this tops the lot.

Well done you guys/girls are the biggest losers I have ever encounted in a computer game. I am now off to ENJOY! starting a fresh scavaging for any weapon I can fined along with food ect. If your reading this get ready to quit again as am going to come up with just an axe.

Thats why everybody uses the AS50, to make sure their dead 1shot.

Its sad but true.

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Thats why everybody uses the AS50, to make sure their dead 1shot.

Its sad but true.

I wish I could get a AS50 but I have only ever found it once and that was when I had a shoot out with another bandit and killed him :(.

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I wish I could get a AS50 but I have only ever found it once and that was when I had a shoot out with another bandit and killed him :(.

:/ should hang out around the elektro hills, I kill at least 4-ish bandits a day with as50's on their backs around that area but I usually hide the bodies so they cant get their guns back, mostly because I hate people who snipe fresh spawns, but ye just look around there, probably most common place to find them except for heli crash sites and cherno industrial buildings/hills. (sorry off-topic xD)

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I've had even better experiences with people who alt+f4 whenever there is trouble. Once I was making my way to the NWAF after re-spawning and finding myself an M9 in a fire station and I saw a group of 5 guys all in gillie 3 of em had as50s and the other two had M4A1SD. I didn't have anything to lose so I emptied my clip in their directions managed to hit one of them in the leg and they all aborted within the next 10 seconds. 5 heavily geared players shit themselves silly and aborted when a fresh spawn with a handgun that could barely touch them started firing. If they would have simply turned to the left they could have easily taken me out but apparently its better to just abort away rather than shoot back.

Edited by tjG3ftw436

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i've never quit during a fight. i was with my clan,i was on day 8,had REALLY good gear and we went to NW airfield.3 of us,we all had really good equipment,and we had full blood and stuff.we encounter group of 6 guys,all of them in the military outfit,all of them with snipers,same amount of dmr mags,same secondaries and same loot in their backpacks(hackers or really organized group)they were in the control tower(thats how it's called? :P ).One of my guys shot one of them that was on the top,we saw only 2 first.so one of us went through the front door,the other climped the ladder,and i stayed hidden,watching our asses.The guy we killed disconnected right after he died,my friend got the kill though.and while we were watching them,we saw he had a sniper rifle,like his friend.The other guy was trapped at the middle floor.Then the weirdest thing happen,as soon as i tried to go to my guys i notice 2 guys spawning on the roof.i ran up the ladder and headshoted one.meanwhile my guys killed the guy in the second floor,and i ran at the second floor with on of my guys,while the other one was running to hide cause zombies were on his ass.(he bled to death :P ) we had 2 enemies dead,and one over us.he came down the stairs and bam,he is down..disconnected right after his death..then 3-4 guys started spawing next to us,and on the stairs,we killed all of them.They didnt disconnect so we had a pile of bodies to loot :P

We stayed there cause i had broken legs,and no morphine,and we just placed all the loot at the second floor and i layed down watching the stairs,while my friend was on the roof.We had 3 of our guys making their way to us,to pick up the loot and help me :P

After 15 minutes my friend disconnected to grab something to eat,so i was just alone there,watching the front door..and then the door opened..i saw 3 survivors with AKs,i quickly rolled behind the stairs,poped my gun and killed one..gues what!he disconnected!I shot at the second one,and he disconnected as soon as my first bullet landed next to his legs..the 3d one just spammed his gun in,and he got me,i started bleeding and i passed out,he finished me off from close range..still,i didnt disconnect..he played fair and he deserved my loot.even if i spent a lot of time to obtain it..when my friend came back it was too late,everything was gone..my dead body was not there,the hide it with the other dead bodies i hide earlier..I have to admit it,this is the best expirience i have so far in gaming..it was so intense..some pussies disconnected,but still,they disconnected after their death,not during the fight.

that is sad,but i respect it more than disconnecting as soon as you get shot,even if the other guy missed

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