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Possible hacker on LU424?

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Hi, I'm Jacob

Just now, just before 14:35 my time (GMT+1), I was killed by what I think was a hacker on LU424. Here's the story:

I was with my friend at the Stary Sobor military camp. We were on the hill next to it, and I was providing cover with my M107 while my friend Advent repaired the car in the camp (we were finally going to get a vehicle). I was getting slightly paranoid because I constantly heard soft rustling nearby, as if someone was sneaking up on me. I constantly looked around and moved positions and could clearly see that there was noone to see around.

My and my friend head up to our tent to get a Jerry Can. I stuck behind at the tent a bit, he ran out of the bushes, and got sniped by what appears to be a DMR (it took about 3 shots to kill him). My friend did not see anyone. I immediately abort out of fear of losing my M107, but a minute or two later I log back in to see if the guy is looting my friend's body. as soon as I'm in, 2 rounds get pumped into my body and I'm dead.

I find it hard to believe that this guy (named 'Foreveralone') knew exactly where I was (I was very well-hidden near the bushes), and not only perfectly shooting my friend, but also remembering exactly where I stood and immediately shoot me.

Now you might say 'you just stood still while setup was completed', but there was no 'setup' to complete since I had just left the area. I was in the server in a matter of seconds.

Please leave me your thoughts. I wish I had pictures or video evidence, but there was a guy who shot so fast there was no time to take pictures, and besides, if he was invisible there's no need to take pictures of the bloody fucking grass.

Edited by Crocalu

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Your tents above stary military camp are badly hidden, and I'm pretty sure Foreveralone knows the location of the 2 or 3 of them you set up and he knows its you and Advent who set them up. He also generally carries an L85 with him so look for zombies/players in towns hes near, so I'm guessing thats how he found you, or he probably even saw you without it, considering its not exactly the best place to hide and a common place to check. Also, did you really Alt+F4 to save your M107? Or to ghost him, considering I've seen you try it before.

Either way he wasn't hacking, and I'm 100% sure of it, you both got taken out by a better player, don't go accusing players just because you couldnt work out their position.

Edited by BakerBoy15

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Hi there, ForeverAlone here (my side of the story)

i logged in on my alt account which i was using to round up gear of the downed helicopters around the area i was using a bicycle and cycling between camp and the loot places i only took an M14 aim with me to stary i rode up to the Electrical box hill on the back and noticed zombies, im sure some of the experienced players know where im talking about.

when i got up there i noticed zombies in stary and everyone knows that zombies dont spawn when someone is on a vehicle i imediatly hopped off my bike and started to scan the area for players, as the location i was at was Stary Sobor it was clear that the only place they could be was the tents. thats when i spotted Advent carelessly running from stary tents up tree tents hill towards his camp. now i already knew there was 2 tents there and i knew of their contents because my squad found them days ago so i knew what he was doing.

as he was coming back out of the bushes i took 3 shots and killed him i than ran to his body looted him seen he had nothing of use to me and continued towards his tent and thats when i seen Jacob log in with an M107 you were no further than 80m apart and i got spooked when i saw the sniper and killed him straight away. also the fact that this is not your first time alt f4ing is just dirty please do not call people hackers and please dont leave tents in obvious places. also you really shouldnt accuse people of stuff without proof

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