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Hackers.. Another Topic

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I am very pissed because of hackers right now, it looks like over 50% players using hacks (scripts). Yesterday I was trying to repair chopper with my team, we found chopper on the island, we spent a lot time to get there, guarded it and tried to gather all parts to repair it. After like 3h we had most of the parts we needed except some main rotor. Then someone logged near the chopper, all of us started shot him from like 2 meters, he didn't die even after receiving heavy gunfire directly in the face. After like 30 seconds, he just entered chopper and.. flew away. Chopper wasn't repaired so it was impossible to fly it (we tried). But he did. Chopper also survived heavy gunfire from us. We just started to shot chopper after this guy turned on engine, including nato ammo shots from two as50. We were so pissed off because we wasted like 4h to repair it and then some random hacker stole our chopper.

Then we decided to find another chopper on different server, on the same spot. We finally found one on some DE server. We found all parts again except engine, chopper was almost ready to fly off, we just needed this last part to make it moving. And then situation repeated.. someone logged near chopper and just fly off. Of course he survived heavygun fire. But this time, in addiction, he killed all of us and nuked island, so because of that our bodies disappear and we couldn't loot them. Also I am afraid that was same hacker, just roaming on high populated servers, searching for chopper. We were very tired and very pissed off, spending so many hours to repair choppers and losing two of them by hackers. But finally we decided to repair another one.. We jumped on another server and we had some more luck this time because we found all parts quite fast and repeired chopper, all we needed it was refueling it. Then one of us (me) went to solnichniy for jerry cans. While I was searching for jerry cans outside the island, my teammates on the island received heavy as50 fire from the coastal near krutoy cap. I came back fast, and noticed two dudes shoting direcly at the island and my friends, I killed both of them. Then I looted their bodies, one of them had.. AS50 TWS (Thermal AS50). We finally got chopper and killed some hackers (yes I don't know if they were hackers, but they had hacked weapons, I think they spawned it because near the road was dropped Bison). So in my opinion, hackers destroying this game. Scripting is so easy (I just found program that allows you to do any hacks you want by few clicks, however I am not gonna download it, i am not cheater) and server admins cannot even ban those people legally (just kick). So yea, awesome game turned into hackers wars, which don't understand that point of playing dayz it's fear of being killed.

My question is, should i drop AS50 TWS or it's not bannable to possess hacked weapon? At the one day we met around 6 people, 5 of them were hackers/had hacked weapons. Thats really ridiculous. My friend also looted someone with hacked skin and hacked silenced sniper rifle.

tl;dr - fuck hackers. another qq thread

Edited by FTR

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This is not only QQ thread but complex and suspenseful story. :3 Also I just wanna know if me and my friends can hold those weapons or something changed (as I know you CAN hold those).

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