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US153 Hacker video proof.

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1120 pm pst

Sorry I wasn't recording my input but I asked this guy why he was hacking and what program he was using. Funny that he said he was a nice hacker but he still killed me.

Please find this cunt and ban him.

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this was an awesome watch, if you where to make the video better, you should have gone in the boat, bit sad you didnt, always fun to encounter that stuff, haha

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No it's not fun to encounter this crap. Stuff like this ruins the experiance, and I'll never do what a hacker tells me to do I don't care if he kills me. I hope all these bastards get cancer.

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Thank you for taking the time and effort to record this excellent footage. He has been permabanned :) I'm only sorry I did not see this sooner. FYI, we have our own forums section for posting Ban requests that usually get dealt with faster, in case we don't reply on here fast enough. You can check it out at: http://www.anzuswarg...ewforum.php?f=5

Thanks again!

PS: The cheater in this case seems like a real sad character, he should find another hobby that's more fulfilling in his life. He says, "If you can't beat them, join them." What a terribly misguided philosophy! :lol:

Edited by anzu

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