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Can't go over 5000 humanity. :(

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Okay, I had originally purchased Arma II Combined Ops through Amazon, and installed it on my computer. My husband played it too, but since we had one CD key, we had to share a character. I played him most of the time, though, and acquired a good deal of humanity, since when we upgraded to the .5 patch, he showed up with a hero skin (that's him in my picture.)

Anyway, my husband and I decided we'd like to play together, so I installed the Amazon copy of Arma on his computer too. We (of course) tried to log in at the same time, but (of course) couldn't since we needed two cd-keys. Well, says I... we tried, but looks like we'll have to fork over the $30, lol.

So, I uninstalled Arma from my computer, and we bought a new copy for me through Steam. Just to be on the safe side, I also uninstalled/reinstalled DayZ Commander, and upgraded it through all the latest updates.

I started off with a new character, at 2500 humanity. It didn't take long, though, for me to reach nearly 5000. Yesterday I was be-bopping along in Cherno and (figuratively of course) tripped over a bandit lying prone on the ground pointing a rifle. After restarting my real-life heart, I said in chat I was friendly and that I was going to give him a blood transfusion since the option came up for me. I don't know if he was afk or what, but I gave the transfusion and... boom! Got my hero skin!

I said in direct chat, "Thanks, you helped me get a new shirt!" and scuttled away. Didn't want to take any chances with that guy. ;)

But I didn't keep it. :( My humanity reset to zero when I got it, which was... well, I didn't worry about it, since I thought that was supposed to happen I guess? But when I relogged, I was at 5000 humanity and back to a plain outfit.

I had my husband log in, and followed him around until he needed some painkillers... gave him some, and boom... hero skin again. But the same thing happened again the next time I logged in... back to 5000 humanity and a normal outfit.

It's getting pretty frustrating. :( Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

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It seems humanity is buggy... and surrounded in a certain amount of mystery. So its really hard to know if something is as intended or just not working as it should.

We really need some input form Rocket or similar to explain the intended workings of humanity.

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do the skin change back or does it just say humanity at 0? cause then its a normal bug, u still have the 5000 its just the change skin bug that resets all the stats.

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The skin changes back. My other guy (my husband's guy now) always starts off every new login with 0 humanity, but he keeps the hero skin. Whereas my guy starts off with 5000 even, and has a normal skin but will change to hero if I do something that increases humanity until I log in again, then he goes back to the normal. :(

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The skin changes back. My other guy (my husband's guy now) always starts off every new login with 0 humanity, but he keeps the hero skin. Whereas my guy starts off with 5000 even, and has a normal skin but will change to hero if I do something that increases humanity until I log in again, then he goes back to the normal. :(

i think it is a bug....same as you have a Hero skin but when you log in you have 0 humanity(like me....but my Hero skin remains)

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I guess I could play the first version we have that has the hero skin and let my husband play the new one lol. It would just be a bit of a pain, since I prefer to play on my computer in the kitchen where I can keep an eye on the household vs. back in the bedroom where his is... but it's really just a matter of uninstalling and reinstalling X 2. Just a matter of babysitting computers for a day, right? :)

Gah... stupid bugs. :(

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