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Question About The Hero and Bandit Skins

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Simple question, once you've earned one does it stay with you for good? As in, if I earn the Hero skin, and then end up killing someone innocent, will it revert me back to the normal survivor skin? Same goes for the Bandit skin for example, if I blood pack every survivor I see walk past me will I ever be able to earn the Hero skin? Or am I stuck as a Bandit?

I'm just curious, as I've been working my way toward the Hero skin, but we all know that it's nearly impossible to survive this game without having to kill some people who shoot first. So if I earn it, and then end up being forced to kill someone, will I lose it after all the work I did to earn it?

Thanks in advanced.

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You are not stuck with one skin u can become a bandit and then help ppl enough that u become a survivor and then a hero... you get a bandit skin at -2000 humanity and if u get to -1999 humanity u will become a survivor... u need 5000 humanity and if u kill a person and u drop below 5000 humanity u will become a survivor

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You can lose the skins. Kill enough folks, and you will be a survivor again. Kill more you will be a bandit.

Killing bandits wont hurt you though.

Here is a useful link


Thanks for the link, but...

"It is unclear at which point heroes will revert to being a survivor or if this happens at all."

...makes me wonder.

Edited by LightbulbGuy

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i have fun to kill sniperkiddies around cherno, electro and co. play taxi for new unarmed spawners and play doctor for all my friends. i have 26000+ humanty, despite my killings araound cherno and co. you loose your hero skin if you drop under 5000+.

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Thanks for the link, but...

"It is unclear at which point heroes will revert to being a survivor or if this happens at all."

...makes me wonder.

I cannot recall right now, I am sure someone will though, but as a rule keep it above 5,000, as that is where you become a hero.

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i have fun to kill sniperkiddies around cherno, electro and co. play taxi for new unarmed spawners and play doctor for all my friends. i have 26000+ humanty, despite my killings araound cherno and co. you loose your hero skin if you drop under 5000+.


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i was watching frankie in 1080p and he has killed people in his hero skin he thought he would loose it but he never did so im not sure

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