Red_Sky 140 Posted August 28, 2012 You know them, they appear on these forums about just as much as those who give out campsite locations (which is your choice, just lining out the ratio here)They buy Arma;Not to 'test' an alpha modNot to play "Call of Duty : Elektro"But to play Day Z in one of its most basic ideas : An Immersible zombie apocalypse simulator.But you were disappointed. DayZ just wasn't what you thought it was. So you come here and voice your opinion on how the game should be improved and whatnot.Which is good, that's a reason why we're here on the forums. But if the forum slams down my idea, I for one would accept, by majority, it was a fucking terrible idea.But you? no. you gotta make all these threads, titled something along the lines of "rocket read this its important"and you don't just tell them what they have to do, you tell them when they should do it, how hard they should work and how much you should pay for it.I'm not going to go into how "you didn't buy Day Z, you bought arma II" despite it being true, because it's irrelevant.You buy this evolving, community driven product, which sure has seen better days and after a month at most you think you're given power over those who spearhead this project?I personally thought Blizzard should've stopped WoW at Wotlk simply because without Arthas the storyline was pretty much dead.But you know that's my opinion, I can tell that on their forums and you know, probably get hammered by several people saying how much better cataclysm was than wotlk and you know what, the important part is that I'm not sending messages to rocket and his workforce to haul their asses out of bed just because some punk wants a reply to his demands for a discount in the standalone or because the mod's updates just aren't up to your standards..DayZ kicks ass. next time don't buy a game on the sole reason that your friends like it.If you're this stupid, I assume your friends are too. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M O N S T E R 599 Posted August 28, 2012 And to all those haters out there who rely on Call of Duty as their 'this isn't ____' option, you're all babies and should drink more milk to grow up to be big and strong. Like me.-MONSTER Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogster (DayZ) 626 Posted August 28, 2012 I thought BratZ was going to be a new mod where you're chased across a post Soviet state by screaming teenagers who constantly moan about hacking and admins. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M O N S T E R 599 Posted August 28, 2012 I thought BratZ was going to be a new mod where you're chased across a post Soviet state by screaming teenagers who constantly moan.Fixed.Would play.-MONSTER Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 80 Posted August 28, 2012 Forums tend to be the home of extreamist when compared to the general population. Much like the folks on TV who get all political and stuff. Most of the general player base will never go to them, and when they do, it is just for a brief visit.It is why, along with it being a faceless internet place, things get all wacky.Sick people, like myself, enjoy them. Much like watching daytime talk shows, it is a complete waste of time, but one cannot just pull away. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites