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Hello we recently just lost our as50 to someone that stole our truck so im looking for a AS50 with mags or SVD CAMO with mags. I can give you an L85,FN FAL (The one with night vision no mags though), A DMR ,NVGS,RANGEFINDERS,COYOTE BACKPACK,ANTIBIOTICS and/or a gps. Pick 1or 2 depending on what it is and how many mags you got. Thx

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If you had an M24 with rounds, I'd be all over this trade.

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I don't have what you need but would you trade your coyote backpack for a GPS? (even tho I see you have one already)


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If you had an M24 with rounds, I'd be all over this trade.

Well DMR mags can be turned into them so yes i do.

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I've got an AS50 with 8 mags I'm willing to trade.

I'd like the NVGs, GPS for it. Could also do with the rangefinder instead of the GPS.

Skype: Ozzzit

Or send a PM. :)

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Or you could take a stroll around Elektro on a high pop server and listen for flies. You will find an AS50 in less than an hour, guaranteed.

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Well DMR mags can be turned into them so yes i do.

I didn't think you had an M24? It wasn't listed at least.

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I've got an AS50 with 8 mags I'm willing to trade.

I'd like the NVGs, GPS for it. Could also do with the rangefinder instead of the GPS.

Skype: Ozzzit

Or send a PM. :)

Hey do you mean NVG AND GPS Or just NVG GPS OR RANGEFINDER?And what kind of mags

Edited by Moviastar101

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That was our truck, but thanks for the AS-50! Its AWESOME

Edited by Raggzie

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NVGs and GPS.

Not the specialised AS50 mags, but M107 Mags 12.7x99mm.

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That was our truck, but thanks for the AS-50! Its AWESOME

you shoul be happy we didnt take the M4A1 CCO SD though.. we were tempted

On what server???? And it doesnt matter sorry we just thought its spawned got messed up or som1 hid it and didnt care for it... But did you rly have to shoot my friend???? We are friendly I could have easily shot you when u were gettin into the truck i just didnt want to incase we met again or anything like that.

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NVGs and GPS.

Not the specialised AS50 mags, but M107 Mags 12.7x99mm.

And sorry but we don't need a AS50 anymore just a svd camo we found 1 thx tho

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