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Looking for Trustable Dayz group members PT2

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Hello ive already posted this once but im posting it again anyone with a reliable connection, has a mic, and is from america (because im not going on a damn server with 100 ping) then add me on steam westyn9156 and add me on skype westynb because im sick of playing alone and i want to play with some people

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You cannot feel the ping difference from 10-140... Theres no delay or wrong hit markers,, So playing on EU servers when your from US doesnt matter mate ;)

#Edit, Just sniped three guys running over a field on 600-700 meters, With a ping about 165.

Edited by Minamo

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hmm didnt know that

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Hi. You posted this in the DayZ General Discussion which is a wrong area. I moved the thread to Survivor HQ.

Please read the pinned/sticky threads before starting a new topic!

Read this before starting a new topic!

Also, it's always better to reply to your existing thread than to create a new one.

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