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Looking For Friends In-Game? [==BSR==] Is Now Recruiting! [Private Server + TS3 Coming Soon!] [Kill on Sight] [ANY AGE!]

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Hello, I am Kleaklejok, and we are a "Bandit Sniper Regiment" and we are looking for skilled snipers, and riflemen! We are a Kill On Sight (KoS) Clan, and hunt other players for the fun of it!


* Microphone

* Skype

* TeamSpeak 3 (Private TS3 Server probably coming soon!)

* Live in the USA or Canada

* Have DayZ



Step 1: Type an application on this thread

Step 2: Add me on Skype



1. First Name

2. Age

3. Country

4. Favorite Weapon, AND Favorite Role

5. Skype Name

6. Would You Like To Take Place In Raids?



1. NO Team Killing (We have ZERO tolerance for Team Killing!)

2. DO NOT Scream Into Your Mic Please

3. DO NOT Steal From Other Members Tents, And Do Not Take Out Of a Public Tent At Base Without Permission From A Team Leader!

4. Please, Do Not Be An Idiot, and PLEASE Make Smart In-Game Decisions! (IE: Do not run into an open field!)

5. Please Do Not Hack!

6. Always Listen To Clan Leaders

7. Wear You're Clan-Tag At ALL Times, And With Pride!


New Members Will Not Be Permitted Into High Ranking Bases, Until Further Trusted, And Approved, OR Brought To a Higher Rank! (We Use A Multi-Base Tier System, Where Higher Ranked Members Can Access Higher Ranked Bases.)

Soon, We Might Purchase Our Own DayZ Server, and a TeamSpeak3 Server!

Add Me On Skype @: Kleaklejok_DayZ

Members List:



New Members Here!


~ [==BSR]Kleaklejok

Edited by Kleaklejok

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Im very interest in this so heres my application.

Name: Dan

Age: 17

Country: United States, New York to be specific

Favorite Gun: M4 CCO SD/ L85

Favorite Role: Spotter and Medic

Skype Name: Dvald25

Interest in Raids: Yes

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