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Just a question

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Moin moin! :D

At first- sorry im not that good in english, but i hope you can understand what im typing here.

I really liked all the videos about DayZ and i might buy it (ARMA II), but im a bit confused about the mass of topics about cheats and "ban-posts".. so my question is simple. Is it still possible to play even with this problems or will this "all dead hack" happens all the time?


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The mod is not being hacked all the time mate. The hackers are in the minority by a long way. It is just some 12 year old spotty nerds that have nothing better to do. Please do buy Arma 2 CO so that you can enjoy the mod.

Please remember though, you are buying the game to play the mod. The mod is still in alpha stage and will be for some time I imagine. Expect bugs / game crashes etc whilst testing the mod.

As I have put in another thread, we are the guinea pigs that do the testing so that the devs can improve things for all of us.

Hope you enjoy it mate!

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This game is incredible. That will always overcome the rubbish moments where someone has hacked in and ruined a game. Bear in mind, half the fun is when you die, you start all over again. It's inevitable!

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I've played over 200 hours of DayZ, and I've been fortunate enough to never experience cheating of any kind.

That being said, hacking is a pretty serious issue at the moment, but I have faith in the dev team's ability to clear up all of the security issues in due time.

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Part of the problem with a game gaining popularity is the inevitable arseholes it brings. As one of the guys above said, I've been playing about 200 hours in-game and havent seen any hackers yet. Having said that I'm fairly avaisive of other players and I tend to avoid PvP hotspots.

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Unfortunately forums are really never the place to find positive information about a game. Most players that are happy and having a good time with it don't have any reason to post.

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