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looking for 13-16 year old guys to play with

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Hi i'm 14 and from Great Britain and i'm looking for 2 or 3 people around my age to play some dayz with, doesnt matter how much gear you got or anything like that, just add me on steam if your interested


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I dont know why some reason I feel this is a pedophile looking for young kids LOL. Anyone get this vibe? Lol.

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thanks man

*I deleted your duplicate posts* ;)

thanks man sorry about that =)

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I dont know why some reason I feel this is a pedophile looking for young kids LOL. Anyone get this vibe? Lol.

i can assure you i am not a peadophile ;) really...ill show you just come to my van

13-16 isnt really 'young kids' either

Edited by Kickasso
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I dont know why some reason I feel this is a pedophile looking for young kids LOL. Anyone get this vibe? Lol.

Lol i kinda did when i saw it in radio chatter :D
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13-16 isnt really 'young kids' either

...young enough...boosh!

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