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DayZ full release (suggestions)

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What do you want?

This is what i want.

VAC anti cheat because battle eye's just not cutting it.

Dolby digital 7.1/5.1 both are good. And if that's already in the game it needs a huge step up because it's awful atm.

No nasty ass eating sounds.

Cut throat assassination move would be a cool way to deal with snipers with out every gun in Cherno pointing at you.

"Normal" FPS controls like CoD or battle field.

No ghillie suit it's way to powerful and makes people act like total dicks.

New zombie effects 3 hits you start to bleed 5 hits you get into shock 8 hits and you break a bone. And when you use a bandage you reset the hit by zombie streak.

Some kind to squad/team thing because in big squads you can't tell who is friendly and who's not. BTW i'm not a team player but that would make YT videos way more enjoyable.

And that's all i can think of atm.

Edited by random_stuff

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This is a troll thread... right?

Against my better judgment, I'll bite.


Clearly the fact that an anti-cheat system that has never been put through the paces to any fraction of an amount as DayZ has caused means we should just throw it out! No, BattlEye is getting better all the time and more effective. The biggest problem is ARMA2 limitations and how it almost "welcomes" exploitation. That will get addressed in standalone.


Er, I have no complaints about the sound. But hey, better sound? Why not

[Eating Noise]

No problems with this. The sound should be loud/distinctive enough to perk up someone else's ears if they're near that player. It does its job.

[Console Style Ninja Attack Move]

No, just no. Go play CoD

[CoD controls]

Ah there it is. Console player. What the heck are "normal" FPS controls? ARMA2 combat seems wonky at first but quickly became one of the most natural feeling FPS controls I've played with. Anything "Twitch Shooter" style should be avoided at all costs here.


When duping goes by the wayside, these will be significantly more rare to come across. Stop crying that the game is hard.

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Just more fluid motions (having to wait 3-4 seconds while my retard guy stands up after doing something whilst getting beaten the f*ck out of by Zombies is a piss-take!)

A LOT more bug fixes


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What the fuck are you talking about i don't want 15 meter knife lunge i want to cut some one's throat because there sorry ass ain't paying attention to there surroundings sniping at fresh spawns in elektro. And making the game more new player friendly with out making it easier can never really be a bad thing.

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Nah getting shot in the legs should break your bones but zombies should not be able to break them.

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Skyl1n3, the broken bone stuff has already been confirmed by Rocket as being nowhere near intended design. I imagine it will be WAY different in standalone.

What the fuck are you talking about i don't want 15 meter knife lunge i want to cut some one's throat because there sorry ass ain't paying attention...

Excellent! Then do I have exciting news for you. This mechanic already exists! Just grab a hatchet and enjoy a one-shot kill to a player if you pop'em in the head. No need for console style ninja attack 'be within 5m of person, press button, receive bacon' abilities.

making the game more new player friendly with out making it easier can never really be a bad thing.

Sure it can be a bad thing. Rocket calls this the anti-game for a reason. Fine tuned balance and hand holding have no place here. It can detract from the gaming experience to have stupid console mechanics like a ninja attack throat slice move CoD-style. Sounds like console games are designed specifically for you in mind, though.

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Dude you suck at arguing what does making the game controls same as 99% of FPS games with run, walk and prone. And i DON'T want to axe some one because it's primary weapon and after 10 min alive you wont ever hold it in your hands again. And i DON'T want press e to teleport 5 meters and instantly kill enemy. I want the scroll menu to have like give epi pen, open bag, bandage, give blood trance fusion, slit throat and maybe curb stomp but that might be a little bit over the top and over kill.

Edited by random_stuff

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Dude you suck at arguing what does making the game controls to 99% of FPS games with run, walk and prone.

I am not being facetious here when I say I genuinely do not understand what that sentence says. It seems like you were going to ask a question but changed halfway through the sentence. I am genuinely curious what "normal" controls are to you that I genuinely want to understand. Please be descriptive in what the control scheme you're looking for is like and how it differs from ARMA2.

And i DON'T want to axe some one because it's primary weapon and after 10 min alive you wont ever hold it in your hands again.

Hey look at that, a mechanic that makes you weigh the pros and cons of a silent one-shot instant kill "infinite use" melee weapon. Excellent! Sounds like working as intended to me!

And i don't want press e to teleport 5 meters and instantly kill enemy. I want the scroll menu to have like give epi pen, open bag, bandage, give blood trance fusion, slit throat and maybe curb stomp but that might be a little bit over the top and over kill.

Yeah, you want an always-on instant-kill option if you barrel up to someone and scroll/click fast enough. At best, I imagine you'd settle for a "Tool" item that goes on the belt vs. your inventory. No, that's exactly what would be terrible and CoD-like. Stop it. STOP IT.

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What about killing some one with with a knife is unrealistic every gun i have shot this far has been loader then cutting some one's throat. Even a subsonic and suppressed .22 is louder and not a lethal as getting you throat slit.

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Right. But, you actually have to AIM those guns. You want something you can just mouse-wheel scroll and select "kill person" from a menu if you're close enough. No, that's terrible. Stop it.

If you're dead set on a knife, then sure I have no problems with them adding a knife into the game that you can utilize as a weapon. Maybe turn the hunting knife into a hatchet-style weapon. Meaning, click to remove from toolbelt into primary weapon slot and hack'n'slash you go.

But, any weapon you use should require you consume a weapon slot to wield and also that you "aim" it at the player and swing/fire it. No "menu select" kills. That's just terrible.

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