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Pro ficient Z

Small Group looking for Player's

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I have a small group of player's, Four to be exact. (myself Included)

What we (Or more or less myself) are looking for is a player (Or Player's) who play's regularly.

Our Age's range from 17 at the youngest to 26 at the oldest. I myself am 22. Your age doesn't matter, It's your personality I care about.

To be completely honest my group lack's my flexible Work/School Schedule.

So I have been left in charge of making sure that when everyone is on we all have plenty of Supplies/Vehicle's are all in working order.

There's only a few thing's you need to know about us.

1: We are not Bandit's per-say although we do actively engage other player's every time we encounter them, How we handle the situation depend's on how we are all feeling at the very moment, For instance, We may give a Random a Fn Fal and send him/her on there way, Or we might shoot them in the knee and watch them crawl around. Or we may just shoot them and loot there stuff.

2: We use Skype. So... Your going to need a working Mic.

3: Myself and my team have some of the best stuff in the game and so should you. (What I mean by that is due to my career choice I have HUGE amount's of free time during the day & night, So in the past two month's I have killed a lot of character's and raided a lot of campsite's, I have also found quite a few Crashed Helicopter's, And looted my fair share of Military Installation's, Due to this I have accumulated A LOT of gear. So just to make thing's a little bit clearer your not going to be the guy in the crew running around with a Enfield while the rest of us are packing L85A2's & M107's I can promise you that.)

4: 80% of the time when everyone is on together there is some manner of shenanigans going on. (What do I mean? Well here's a example. The rest of my group was in our bus on there way to pick me up in Elektro, Apparently they encountered another player riding a bicycle up the road, They rammed the bicycle knocking the player off at which point one of the group member's jumped out to kill the guy, He was standing in front of the bus and started firing the Driver of the Bus another member of our group thought the bus was under fire and more or less ran the other member over who was standing in front of the bus firing at the guy on the bicycle. So for those of you who are all into tactical coordinated type of Teamplay, This probably isn't the group for you. So a good sense of humor and a hell of lot of patience will most likely be needed)

5: There isn't really just one server we play on, I have about 6 camp's all on different server's, ranging from 3 tent's to 7 at the most, So We have numerous "Home" Server's.

6: We are all from the West coast of NA, I don't care where your from, As long as you speak English.

7: If you can Read/Understand all of this including what few "Big" word's I did use, You Automatically meet the minimum requirement for intelligence.

If you have any question's or want to join feel free to Pm me either on here or on Steam.

My steam Username is Pro_ficient_z

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If you register here,http://renegadesoldierca.enjin.com/ You can come play with us we always have some guys on teamspeak willing to play with people and we never mind taking in new players of all shapes and sizes. You can apply for our Bandit squad if you wish.

Thanks for checking us out!

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hey i would be interested in checking you guys out. i have been playing for about a month now and consider myself pretty good at the game. i prefer overwatch/sniping, i'm 23 and im from canada let me know

gamorcgaming is my skype name

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hey im interested in joining your group plus i probably got 2 others. pm me if u want more info

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If you have any question's or want to join feel free to Pm me either on here or on Steam.

My steam Username is Pro_ficient_z

Sounds like a fun group of guys. I just got Skype and my name on there is Bohica.420 or you can PM me here, I also have an extrememly flexible work schedule (as in NONE right now, lol)

Also I would be like the oldest person on your team by nearly 2 decades, but the stuff you described is EXACTLY the kind of play I like. Send me aa PM or call me, I'll be glad to help hoard gear or whatever.

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I would really like to see what you guys are like. I have school because I'm 15, but I can get on almost everyday for at least 2 hours. Steam is "TheTrollofDeath". Thanks for reading!

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Hi, I'm Sam. I am 13 years old and I am from New Zealand. I'd love to join you guys, I have a fully functional mic, 200 - 300 hours of gameplay, and I'm pretty well geared.

Add me on steam if you're willing to accept me into your group, 'Samstorm418'. I do have tags on, they look like <<CG>>.

I'd love to hear from you soon, hope you can consider me.

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HI! i would be very intrested because i seek for small group

I am 14 years old (mature one)

Skype is :Jackmanreal

IRL is: Jyri

and i am loyal do what i get told to (BUT i use my head too)

PM me on skype/steam/here :) IF you want more information(voice chat is no problem cause i can speak decent english :)

Network:10M/1M(tested) ping to anywhere in europe is max 40 :)

i am from finland :)

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