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Looking for a group!

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Short and Simple I'm looking for a group to play with, quite frankly I'm tired of dieing to random survivors I try to make friends with... And sneaky asshat bandits that steal my beany weineys... I like those... So with that said I'm looking for some survival buddies, Make a tent in the woods... and survive... This game is epic... and I'd LOVE to see more the 2 hours of it running from zombies and bandits -.-

Edited by Kolnan

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Glass didnt work...but my ash pits work great:D

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Sorry not sure why it posted like that? But anyway I'm looking for a group of players open to surviving with me.. .I'm tired of dying to bandits and random survivors just for the beans that took me hours to find...

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Hi. You posted this in the New Player Discussion which is a wrong area. I moved the thread to Bandit Campfire.

Please read the pinned/sticky threads before starting a new topic!

Are you looking for others to team up with? Want to announce clan? Read this!

Read this before starting a new topic!

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If you register here,http://renegadesoldierca.enjin.com/ You can come play with us we always have some guys on teamspeak willing to play with people and we never mind taking in new players of all shapes and sizes. You can apply for our Bandit squad if you wish.

Thanks for checking us out!

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