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Banned from AU 30 for stealing vehicle from camp

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As i was driving around on an atv i found a camp and saw an abandened vehicle i then repaired the vehicle i could hear another vehicle near by so i drove away then 5 mins later i [bANNED from SERVER Admin BAN!]

Edited by Mattyboi101

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Maybe he just cant stand you stolen vehicle from him:D people are so jealousy :beans:

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The exact same thing happened to me twice on lu303. First time I was ambush but survived, and as i go to take my spoils of the war, which consisted of two bodies, 8 tents, a bus, a off road pickup truck and a motorcycle, I was kicked and the server was crashed. 2nd time, i go back 4 days later steal the motorbike and once again, kicked and server crashed.

It's pathetic how these admins abuse their powers just to benefit themselves. They prob only become one to do this and not deal with the real issues, the hackers.

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Hmmm why i was banned who knows... i did nothing wroung driving around on an Atv with me mate scotty saw the camp Found the blue van fixed it drove away them Bam Banned

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It's pathetic how these admins abuse their powers just to benefit themselves. They prob only become one to do this and not deal with the real issues, the hackers.

Sure, it's pathetic to restart servers or kick people for killing you but at the end of the day they pay money for the server. I know it's against the rules but it's basic basic human behavior.

I became and admin so I can have my own home server where I control restarts and shutdowns, not that I want to keep on doing them just that they can't surprise me. I wanted my own server so that other abusive admins can't do what you just described. The problem is it's been torn to pieces by hackers and dupers, and I don't think it should be my job to spend xxx amount of hours tracking scripters down in logs while I could be playing in the meantime. That's battleyes job. You don't become and admin to fight hackers or to let other people play on your server, you become one for yourself.

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That's the thing, these types of admins don't really care about others or the server. What they care about is themselves. A decent admin wouldn't rage and kick/ban people for looting their camp, that's just how the game goes. Non-admins loot each others camps all the time. People that kick/ban for looting tents or taking vehicles are just little kids who get mad when someone takes the most smallest of things from them.

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I see where you come from intensity, but that doesn't justify the act of banning one person for taking a measly car? They may not be the easiest thing to find, but they are sure in hell that there are a lot in the map.

When you find that car and take it to your base, it's your decision to do so. Should someone find it, then its your fault for not hiding it well enough or just generally unlucky.

Edited by Sharpaviva

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i hate admins like that when i was kicked out of NwO they banned me from one of there two servers so i couldnt loot their base. Its pathetic because the ban reason is duping when i never duped i dont even know how. Its rediculous what they come up with to ban people.

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The vehicle behind you was driven by your friend Scotty, he tells me you both went to this base together. It's bizarre that you would embellish and make it sound like an admin was nearby and rage banned you.

The ban was issued for a marker, which is linked to ESP. This wasn't issued over a base or meta-gaming, please stow your torches and pitchforks until you've gotten more then two lines with no evidence...

You questionable moral character and embellishment of the story aside, I've take then following actions;

  • I have manually removed both yourself and 'Scotty' from the banlist and forwarded what I found to battleeye. You are welcome back on AU 30 until they say otherwise.
  • The base with the tank traps will be left unattended for the next 12 hours, feel free to rape and pillage.
  • I have disabled the sniffer that has banned you, please don't make me regret it

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Thankyou for the Unban sorry for the late reply as for a marker i have no clue what u mean by that

Edited by Mattyboi101

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The vehicle behind you was driven by your friend Scotty, he tells me you both went to this base together. It's bizarre that you would embellish and make it sound like an admin was nearby and rage banned you.

The ban was issued for a marker, which is linked to ESP. This wasn't issued over a base or meta-gaming, please stow your torches and pitchforks until you've gotten more then two lines with no evidence...

You questionable moral character and embellishment of the story aside, I've take then following actions;

  • I have manually removed both yourself and 'Scotty' from the banlist and forwarded what I found to battleeye. You are welcome back on AU 30 until they say otherwise.
  • The base with the tank traps will be left unattended for the next 12 hours, feel free to rape and pillage.
  • I have disabled the sniffer that has banned you, please don't make me regret it

You're quite possibly the most mature and most pleasant admin I have seen on all the Australian servers. Have my beans mate.

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