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Humanity.. How does it work?

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I've searched the forums and looked in the wiki.. but i cant find any explanation of how it works.

Obviously if you do good things your humanity increases, and bad things causes it to drop.

Murder gives negative humanity, but what else does? Killing infected? Killing bandits?

And what increases your humanity?

Thanks for any info.

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killing bandits doesnt lower humanity (however when i killed two it may have been bugged) giving pills, bandages, blood and morphine and epi pens will increase your humanity, however is your humanity is below 2500 it will slowly in crease by 150 per min i think untill it reaches 2500 at 0 you are a bandit and at 5000 you are a hero

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Killing Zombies slightly increases it, being a medic rewards well too, im not sure on the bandit killing thing, my humanity never changed when i killed one yesterday, still on -55K looks like im screwed!

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Helping other survivors adds to your humanity. Let's take a look at the source code:

usecBandage = [_unit,player];
publicVariable "usecBandage";

if (_unit == player) then {
//Self Healing
_id = [player,player] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\medBandaged.sqf";
dayz_sourceBleeding = objNull;
} else {
dayzHumanity = [player,20];
_id = dayzHumanity spawn player_humanityChange;

It does mean that you get 20 humanity for bandaging another survivor but NOT yourself.

if (_unit == player) then {
//Self Healing
_id = [player,player] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\medMorphine.sqf";
} else {
dayzHumanity = [player,50];
_id = dayzHumanity spawn player_humanityChange;

You get 50 humanity for giving another survivor morphine. Again, you won't get any if you apply it to yourself.

20 humanity for painkillers.

250 humanity for a blood bag.

So, helping other players out with medical equipment will add to your humanity.

Killing other survivors on the other hand will dimish your humanity (-2000 humanity for a murder).

Killing bandits is without (positive or negative) consequence at the moment.

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This is the problem with it

In a team of players you cannot help healing and repairing etc as you play.

It should be raised only if you help someone you have no repeated exposure to (i.e. someone you dont know)

But this needs team mechanics first so we can separate the two

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Helping your friends/team is humane so you get humanity. If you want to have -100k humanity just kill your friends.

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I think you also lose extra humanity if you kill a hero. I went from just over 2000 humanity down to -1000 something after I killed a hero.

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  On 8/27/2012 at 1:56 PM, Doom Guy said:

I think you also lose extra humanity if you kill a hero. I went from just over 2000 humanity down to -1000 something after I killed a hero.

I can pretty much confirm this isn't the case. Was probably a (HIVE) lag like always when stuff like this happens.

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i think we lose humanity for hiting not kiling survivors. I have -1533 humanity for killing one survivor and hiting twice other survivors (he escaped or was killed by someone else).

i have two bandits kills also but that doesnt give positive or negative humanity points. I think that killing bandit should give you at least 500 humanity points. that way being a bandit will be hard life.

Edited by director

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I'm very inclined to state that as of right now, putting a camo suit will screw up your humanity in many possible ways, along with its mechanics (faster run speed from hero status or a more reliable aim as bandit) even in death, as in your next respawns.

Edited by Kraorr

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