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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

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I am curious to know.. Has anything ever gone bad at these events? A big shootout or someone throws a grenade?

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I am curious to know.. Has anything ever gone bad at these events? A big shootout or someone throws a grenade?

of course there has, we have been attacked by scripters before, ended up being more hilarious than annoying, Accidental friendly fire (i Shot RazorPT last time out) erm people getting lost etc, it is really just mindless chaos for the most part but at the same time it is extremely good fun

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of course there has, we have been attacked by scripters before, ended up being more hilarious than annoying, Accidental friendly fire (i Shot RazorPT last time out) erm people getting lost etc, it is really just mindless chaos for the most part but at the same time it is extremely good fun

Sounds like a lotta fun. It's always a good madness with a lot of people running around. "Who shot?!"

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Sounds like a lotta fun. It's always a good madness with a lot of people running around. "Who shot?!"

yeah it has its highlights, but when things come together and work then it can be equally as awesome! if i didn't enjoy it so much i wouldn't put in the effort to arrange these meetups!!

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The fallujah was madness. But still extremely entertaining

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The fallujah was madness. But still extremely entertaining

yes it was, i held the airfield for a good hour or so, 21 kills till the script kiddie got me by Tp'in behind me.... Will admit RazorPT was one of the 21 kills... totally not meant!!

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So today night, better grab something from the store and have fun :3

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yeah best do, im just getting in contat with a couple of people about server details sinse i have nothing on me at this moment sinse my laptop passed away this morning

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Hope you get it working.

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i think it is totally dead, using a backup system that has a tablet for a mouse haha

Now I kind of want to see that setup, lmao.

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its a laptop with no screen, attached to a pc monitor, tablet for a mouse an a nipyy wireless keyboard... it is completely hybrid lol



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Soo, is it going to start soon? :3

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more than just epic, i couldn't get connected to our TS server at all and a few of the clan were having the same problem, i hope to get some thing done tomorrow, just trying to stay calm and not get utterly annoyed that tonight just isn't working for me?

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more than just epic, i couldn't get connected to our TS server at all and a few of the clan were having the same problem, i hope to get some thing done tomorrow, just trying to stay calm and not get utterly annoyed that tonight just isn't working for me?

Epic fail gets more epic by the second

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Well, played with one of my brony friends... He ended up killing a bandit and being killed, then I sniped the second bandit with my ACOG from over 300m away. Also found a nice little camp, with an AS50, but it had no ammo.... Oh well. Sadly I won't be able to make it to the meet up tomorrow. Hopefully your comp will be up and running soon, Derpy. I want to go next week!

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Teamspeak will be the same as last time, I will admit today I am failing bad, organising and posting this on the forums via iPod is proving next to impossible, fingers crossed i get home soon so I can salvage some sort of a meetup

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Derpy, you could push it to the 20th.

Edit; Its 6 days to get ready, fix everything and organize. (If the meetup is not already over.)

Edit Edit; I could probably attend the 20th.

Edited by Gabe Newell
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Well i have literally got home and onto the desktop, so what i will do for the remainder of the evening is see if anyone wants to meetup for a couple of hours and have a laugh.

Then i can post details i was going to use this week for next week, saving me from running about like a headless chicken when things go wrong

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