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Recover items after killed by hacker?

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Is there any chance I will ever see my stuff again? I was on a server when suddenly everyone was killed at the same time by a hacker.

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To put it bluntly mate, no.

Start again, you should die in this game anyway.

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yep, cant do much... I just lost everything due to another barbaric act of this group of server exploiting fucktards... this group is active on all servers, their mission is to destroy DAYZ and the only way to stop them is legal actions i'm afraid... If Devs fail to stop them it may be the end of this mod.

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Stop being over dramatic mate, "fucktards" as you put it will not cause the end of the mod.

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Well it's ended it for me for a while. I get that losing everything is inevitable, someone, somewhere will kill you eventually but it takes a long time to get every item in this game and to lose it in a split second because some script kiddy on the other side of the map presses a button is a lot more demoralising than losing it legitimately.

Have a look through the cheat reporting thread today and you'll see how common this is becoming and it seems there's nothing that can be done.

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Lol, this "It's an alpha"-argument is so funny. We have had hackers in Arma2 since years. These hacks are working with EVERY multiplayer game in Arma2, not only DayZ. So, deal with it or stop playing.

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