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Bandits looking for 2 more

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Looking for 2 players rolling together to join 2 more of a like ( will accept 1 person with experience + Maturity ). Were trying to do a 4 man team, but 3 is better then 2. I wont lie, we are shoot on site ( Dont trust anybody ). We have tried clans for weeks, but it never worked out. What i can tell you honestly about us......

1) We dont have camp sites ( to paranoid atm )

2) We have no vehicles ( but do find them alot )

3) We join random servers

4) We do NOT hack ( whats the point in playing if you get all the end-game gearing from a hack? Sure its cool, but not our style....sorry )

5) We have owned every (very rare item )....We are not new to the game

6) We are a US based player ( we are brothers and live together and share the same computer room...... yep, makes things easier : )

We are a tactical team, we tend to play on low level servers ( 10 people or less, due to our size ). We are on teamspeak, and if anyone is interested let me know. Send me a Message or reply to the post.

Must have's......

- working Mic

- TS3

- Maturity is a must, Will not tolerate people who just spam in TS thinking ( they have jokes )......" Your mom jokes.....Or your girlfriend said the same thing" after every phrase is not funny..... Maybe during certain comments, but if am hearing it every 2 minutes then guess what.....you get the point

We live by 2 rules.....Dont Trust Anybody, and Dont Get Attached To Your Gear. Reply or Message me if interested.

FYI, you will be playing with 30 yr old kids :)

Edited by Killaspree

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Solo players are also welcome. I know what it's like to play solo and it can be a pain in the ass, so if your looking for a couple good friends to roll with we might be it for ya. You don't have to be particulary good or have high end weapons just be cool. We play at various times of the day but usually in the afternoons. So if interested post here or send me or killa a pm.

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Solo players are also welcome. I know what it's like to play solo and it can be a pain in the ass, so if your looking for a couple good friends to roll with we might be it for ya. You don't have to be particulary good or have high end weapons just be cool. We play at various times of the day but usually in the afternoons. So if interested post here or send me or killa a pm.

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Hey there, a well experienced bandit here. I am currently weilding high end weapons, i have NVG rangefinders, etc. I am 16, i sound kind of young on mic, but im mature. I am a good player, if youre interested, let me know!

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We're mature, 2 man bandit team we've been playing competitively for 7 years, we play in private hives though. msg if interested

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I would be interested in joining up. Getting bored running around doing nothing. I'm 42 and my current loadout is pretty much all high end. I can also contribute items since I have a few of everything. Have mic, TS etc so no worries there. Let me know.

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i would tell you i have an m107, m4sd and an m9sd with my toolbelt nearly filled, but that was about a half hour ago when i got sniped trying to help a friend in elektro, so I'm now a pretty fresh spawn :( i would love to tag along with you guys im really experienced and have been a bandit since i began playing this game. Shoot on sight don't trust anyone. I'm also 17 but I don't think that's too big of a deal, just a number. Let me know if you're interested.

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still need an extra player i would like to join im very experienced and know what im doing let me know

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I'm not experienced, and only have an AKM, Binocs, and an empty G19, but i'm mature, capable of operating in a team, and calm in a firefight.

If this fits what you're looking for, then PM me you're TS :D

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Add me on steam RoachRegenesis

I have 2 entire camps build and scavenged by myself, and only I know about.

I am very experienced and know most what there is to know about Dayz including little tips and tricks.

I feel like I own the server im on because I am yet to die and have the most tents set up that I could find.

I gear up and hunt bandits in the large cities and am very tactical (but I hate combat loggers) ..

I need a squad to make my mark larger, add me on steam if interested. I am very well geared and always will be.

Have a cache of vehicles as well, but lost the chopper to a thunderdome yesterday ........

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