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So, I've had a bunch of nice gear throughout the past week, and I've wanted to slap it in a tent to recycle/hold it, but I can't seem to find ANYWHERE to place my tent that works, I try out in the biggest open fields and it's perfectly flat, I've even tried just slapping it down on a main road or airstrip, NOTHING works, is this a known bug? Or am I just the first to bring it up? Or is it not a bug at all and I suck? .____. Please help..

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there's a trick to it. Just look at the ground before you open your gear. then click and after that right click your tent, select pitch tent. The error will appear.

Hold shift and go forward, preferably crouched, in small steps while clicking the pitch tent button. Go forward in small steps, and sideways too. When you see the tent disappear stop moving immediately and watch your character start the tent pitching animation. important: click "close" on your gear menu so your inventory window closes.

notes: no tents in woods, the game won't let you. Try rolling in the grass before pitching the tent. flat surfaces. Try to find "bald" spots in the grass and point your crosshair there before beginning.

good luck

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Mash your mouse button while you slowly walking with your mouse clicking on 'Pitch Tent'. (More tents for ya)

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I hope this gets easier in the future, the requirements for placing a tent are stupid. You should be able to place them on slight slopes and in clearings in the forest. I'm way too paranoid to pitch one in the middle of an open field.

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