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I feel bad, but..

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Ok, so I never really turned to banditry; I managed to stay a hard-core survivor/care-bear. Not because I would feel bad for killing people for their gear, but because it's such an adrenaline rush to not SOS and just see what happens-- plus finding loot is half the fun, so if I kill a pro with my starting gun, it takes the fun out of looking for loot. ANYWAY... My friend and I joined up in a server, and had a dastardly plan to loot every bandit within 10km from electro. basically it went like this:

We take sniper positions in the hills above the school in electro with our enfeilds. Next, my buddy types over side chat, asking if I was friendly in the school. I respond by saying that I am, but if he can really see me, what gun/backpack do I have? He responds with: 'a DMR and an ALICE'. Im like 'ok, you see me, but dont shoot, bla, bla, bla' over chat, we make it seem like we are having a first contact. I talk about how we should team up, and how I have a GPS, so it would make nav easier. He responds with how he has NVgoggles, so we can see at night. I ask him where he found his M4 silenced and Coyote backpack. We give our location casually over side chat intentionally, by saying things like 'hey, come downstairs of the school, and grab this loot, etc'. Sure enough, one by one, bandits start to congregate on the school, cautiously crawling foreword, hungry for our reported gear, while we sit up in the hills and watch the fun. One bandit enters the school, and after a minute or so, two others enter with eachother. When the three are in the school, we say: 'hey, I hear someone. If you see anyone, blast them.' about 30 secs or so later, we hear a burst of gunfire, followed by another. One of the bandits makes a rush across the street, visibly bleeding through the binocs, only to be taken down by a fourth; a bandit sharpshooter on the hospital roof. we wait about 5 mins and creep down there to shoot the last bandit-- the sharpshooter as we is busy looting one of the bodies. Four down and we only had to fire oe shot XD. Found sooo much good gear. Plus, its not like we were murdering helpless survivors, these guys just killed eachother.

TL;DR we killed 4 bandits with one bullet, using a risky ruse

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Youtube it next time! Film the baiting over chat, skip over the boring bits of waiting for people to show up, and start filming again at the first sign of bandits!

Bet you get a ton of views!

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I've done this since I started to play. I've just never done it while at the location. Me and a friend will randomly talk about being in a church or some such and gush about a drop. About 50% of the time we get people bitching in side chat after getting killed by someone else trying to kill us. I'll have to start doing this where I can see the location.

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