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That will teach me.

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So I was trying to make my way to the North East Airfield and I had a sniper in my backpack and a decent rifle in hand. I had plenty of cooked meat and water and medical supplies. On the way there I saw a trackter on top of a hill. I slowly made my way up checking all around in case it was a trap. I got to it and I was suprised that it was in good nick but noting was stored in it. So I got it and for the first 10 seconds it went great. I was well on my way to the airfield until my trackter went out fo controll wile going down hill and crashed into a tree and I died :(.

Kind of wish I played the basic training for this lol.

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Hey, at least you didn't spend some two hours running around Cherno grabbing vehicle parts to repair an ATV you came across up by the NW hospital only to accidentally flip it 10 minutes later like SOME people.

... I miss that ATV, it was like an ATV to me...

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I also wish this ATV could be flipped back even if it took 2 people to do it.

As it is now, they are bloody ridiculous, I keep finding them all the time flipped in bizzare positions.

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